VoiceOver sounds

By Levi Gobin, 6 July, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

After I did some digging, I found where VoiceOver sounds are located.
If you want to find them, go to the path,
If you probably kinda hacked it maybe you could make a VoiceOver sound scheme with sounds of your choosing.
I have not tried it but yeah.
Hope you enjoy the new found possibilities.



By Igna Triay on Friday, July 7, 2023 - 03:25

I migh give this a shot in a separate apfs volume just to make sure I don't mess things up, but aren't the sounds increpted or, not incripted, but since they are system sounds, wouldn't you be blocked from modifying them, i.e, pasting, copying, deleting etc?

By Levi Gobin on Friday, July 7, 2023 - 03:25

The sounds are not encrypted. You can view them, and even copy them to a new folder. You cannot modify them or in this case paste new sounds in.
I tried to do this earlier, and here’s what I found. You cannot add yourself to the permissions in Finder. From what I have found, even using super powerful commands in terminal does not help. I haven’t given up yet, and if I find a way I will let you know.
I think an older versions before, let’s just say macOS 10.15 Catalina, I think you could maybe do that.
The reason I say this is because I knew a friend who back in the day knew how to change the click for when you adjust up and down the volume. that stopped working in either macOS Catalina or macOS Big Sur. I don’t remember exactly when but somewhere around then.
If I had known about this earlier I could’ve tried it on a 13 inch MacBook Air from 2014, but I told someone they could use it and updated it to Big Sur, deleting the two partitions I had on it. Yay for me!