Wanting to create my own app

By Emily Alexina, 12 June, 2023

App Development and Programming

Hi I am completely blind and I’m wanting to, create my own iOS app. I’m wanting to know of where I would have to go to, do so. I’m in the process of learning how to code, but any accessible websites would be helpful to help me. I as well wanted to know how much would it cost to put my app on the App Store? Once I’m at that place? The app I’m wanting to, create is like the old audio app called dabel. As I am very into the audio of being able to use my voice. I know there is clubhouse but that’s the thing, clubhouse is the only app out there for completely blind and visually impaired people, and I want to be the one to be able to, create a new type of audio experience.



By Dherion on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

Before worrying about prices or thinking about big Clubhouse-style applications, you should consider smaller challenges.
For starters, you need a Mac and to learn swift and swiftui. Once you know that, you can start creating small apps or games.
Currently in Spain a developer account costs 99 euros per year. You will have to check how much it costs in your country.
A good place to start is here.

By Enes Deniz on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

I only have a Windows PC and even buying a Macbook would cost me quite a lot, let alone learning how to use it from scratch. So what about finding someone to code the app for me instead?

By Bryan Smart on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

A Mac is required to develop for iOS.

If you want someone to do the coding for you, then you can find a noobie contractor for about $60 per hour. Someone who knows what they're doing will want closer to $100. Even simple apps will need several weeks, and a voice chat app with social media features will require way longer, plus server components you must write. If you don't have 50 grand to get started, you can forget a contractor. If you can't afford to buy a Mac and pay the $99 annual fee for access to the App Store, then you need another hobby.

By Emily Alexina on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

Yes, I have a Mac, and thank you for the link. I came across this link before but wasn’t sure if it was accurate or not. Do you know if the Xcode on the Mac is accessible?

By Enes Deniz on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

Hobby? U no whatcha talkin' about? Sure, I do know I can't afford to pay for all those things but just wanted to make sure. Who knows what will happen in the future? If I do happen to develop some app someday, it'll probably be something that'll help you define your hobbies. I don't really consider developing apps to be a hobby or something I would do solely for fun. Besides, I doubt you are informed enough about the situation in Türkiye and elsewhere, and the various obstacles in our way like exchange rates. So no problem whatsoever with you sharing what you know but this attitude of yours, as though saying, go find something else to keep yourself busy, is not at all acceptable. I already know it won't be easy for me to publish my own app on the App Store thanks to certain economic and political practices that I won't discuss here in detail, like everything being based on the US dollar. So thanks, but you don't really have to lecture me. If you mean it won't be so easy even if you reside in the US, then I already know that the situation is even more problematic for those living elsewhere.

By Emily Alexina on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

I am trying to download Xcode on my Mac, but it’s saying I need the Mac 13. Is there any other app I can use? I believe I have the Mac 10 from 2019.

By Dherion on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

XCode is accessible, now that interfaces can be realised with the Swiftui framework.
Yes, you need XCode. Apple apps can only be programmed with XCode.

By Brad on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

Listen, you can be as offended as you want but the truth is, it's a hobby. A hobby doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it just means it's something you're interested in.

Also they're right, if you don't have a mac then you can't program for IOS/the mac.

What you're saying is that you don't know how to do this stuff and when we tell you what you need you are offended, well then, get a hobby and learn to code because no one is going to do it for you unless you pay them.

You seam to be a teen, my advice would be to save up money and focus on what you actually can do for now. Coding an app seams cool but asking questions and then getting offended when people tell you what you don't want to hear won't get you anywhere in life.

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

I want to make apps and games for iOS and all that I’m still young so at this current point in time I’m not worried about that

By Brad on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

you're going to need a mac and that's that. If you want to code for windows you need a windows machine, mac/ios, you need an mac.

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

MacBook Air 2020 with 512 gigs of storage and 16 gigs of RAM

By Brad on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

Now you need to learn to code.

By Enes Deniz on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

When did I ever say hobbies had to be bad? I did say, though, that they were activities one would do in one's leisure time, for pleasure or to relax. And yet again, I already said I knew you had to have a Mac in order to develop iOS apps. I just wanted to verify that. And when I said I felt offended, I didn't mean I was dreaming of becoming a developer someday and you were trying to make me give up. I already did know it'd not be easy. And I don't really approve of being lectured like that.

By Brad on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

I apologise. I shouldn't be so harsh. I was just having a bit of a rough day at that time I guess and just took it out on the nearest post. It won't happen again.

I hope you can learn to code and put out an app one day but honestly, even if I could wrap my head around coding, which I can't, I'd not do it because of the $99 a year thing. I think both google and apple do this and I don't like it.

By Enes Deniz on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:44

Well, not much to say unless you ever repeat such unreasonable reactions. Hope we're on the same page now.

By Brian on Monday, September 11, 2023 - 07:44

There are some interesting books on Apple Books in regards to learning the Swift programming language. If I may give one more teeny tiny piece of advice; it would be to have the patience of a saint. When I first began my college career many, many moons ago, I had intended to become a Software Engineer. Let me tell you after about 3+ years of writing code, I gave it up. It can be rewarding, but was also the most repetitive and mind numbing experience of my life. I learned such programming languages like Java, C++, Python, Scala, HTML, CSS, PHP, & MySQL. Even with all of that, I would not dare call myself a programmer. 😅

I don't say this to discourage, but rather encourage you to work hard and if this is a dream or even a passion, then pursue that passion with a vengeance! 😁