where/how to learn swift coding complete Beginner with voice over, help would be appreciated

By Amrit the blin…, 31 May, 2023

App Development and Programming

Hi, I really want to learn swift but as a compleate beginner I don't know where to start and I was hoping for some help and answers.
I don't know where I can learn fully, are there any Youtube Channels or tutorials anywhere, books, guidance tools, websites or apps which can teach me how to code in swift properly so I'm not just coding little stuff, I would like to be able to code a fully fledged Game, app or website or something by the end.
Thank you and oh by the way I'm using an M1 macbook pro 2020 version to learn it if I could get some advice on where and how to learn it in the best way.
Again thank you,
I'm new here and really appreciate a website like this.
thank you so much



By Paul on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 18:50

It’s always helpful to have an idea of what you want to make before you learn how to do it, because it can help narrow down your options and direct your focus. That said, when it comes to Swift, my first stops are the Swift language documentation, Apple’s API documentation, and Apple’s WWDC videos.

For a bigger picture of programming, there are obscene numbers of books and websites out there. It’s hard to make a specific recommendation because what you’re asking about is a very broad topic.

All that said, you can probably learn a decent amount just by playing with Swift UI and learning how to model data and state (the resources mentioned above are a good starting point). In fact, all you really need for a basic game are those things I just mentioned, saving state is relatively simple once you have a suitable data model, and networking isn’t something you need to know to get started making fun games. It may also be a good idea to learn about design patterns and programming paradigms, since both essentially underpin what you’ll do as an app developer.

By Kushal Solanki on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 18:50

To learn to code you can download the swift playground app on the ipad or the mac.

By Paul on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 18:50

Forgot about that. Then again, I had the impression the OP had already learned the language itself and was interested in learning to program at a higher level where you go beyond toy scripts/examples and start making apps.

By Kevin Shaw on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 18:50

Go here:

I embarked on the 100 Days of Swift UI course. I made it to day 86 before that pesky thing called "work" got in the way. ;) I will finish.

The course is absolutely free, but you do need to post your progress on something like Twitter or Facebook so you've got a record of your completion.

Good luck!

By Nuno on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 18:50

Yeah, I second 100 days of Swift UI. Paul Hutson is an awesome teacher.