Google account questions, and a tip

By Dominic, 19 May, 2023

Other Apple Chat

I have a question and a tip. My question is about my Google account.
So I want to make my Google account, an Apple ID. If I make my Google account, Apple ID, will I still be able to use my Google pixel seven and my braille sense six on that account, was putting some other Apple devices on that to make an Apple ID.
Thank you.
Anne before I go, here’s a little tip you may not know.
If you have a map of USBC port, you can actually charge Your android device that has a USB seaport with the USB see charger that came with your Mac.



By Lanie Carmelo on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:44

If you use your Google email as your Apple ID, it doesn't do anything to the Google email. It just sends messages from Apple to that address. Your Google email would also be able to be used for iMessage and things like that. If you're talking about making an Apple, or iCloud, email account, you can't use your Google email address for that as far as I know. You would get a new one ending in