How can I convert Logic Pro file to MP4 on iOS?

By Dominic, 2 May, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I just dropped Logic Pro, file, to my iPhone. But I want to upload it to YouTube. How can I convert it into MP4, because that is the most easy file format on YouTube. Thank you



By Unregistered User (not verified) on Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 07:50

That's not an audio file yet. It's useless outside of Logic until you bounce it. Open it in Logic, hit cmd+b, and use the settings there to convert to your format of choice. You can't upload audio files to youtube, regardless of format. You'll need to put it into a video. Once you have the audio (I recommend WAV or MP3 with a high bitrate), you can pull it into your video editor of choice like imovie or final cut