posting to youtube on mac with voiceover

By Moopie Curran, 7 April, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

What's the best way to go about posting to youtube on the mac? What format does the video have to be in? Also, the sound I want to post, it's just audio. I understand there has to be video, I'd like my image to basically be a text file explaining what the audio is, so essentially, what I want is to convert text to image, then put that image onto an audio file to make it youtubable. Is there an accessible way to do this?



By Michael on Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 19:35

Step 1: open iMovie
This can be done with Spotlight (command+space) then type 'iMovie' then type enter.

Step 2: create new Movie File
Go to the project view and select create new.

Step 3: paste Image and Audio files
Navigate to the right most item 'Project Timeline'. You can copy and paste your image and audio files into this item.

Step 4: adjust if needed.
By navigating into these pasted items, you can adjust the starting time (Leading edge) and how long it lasts (Trailing time) (for the image, make this the same as the length of the audio). I have only been able to adjust my millisecond, so this may be slow.

Step 5: test.
Test by typing '\'.

Step 4: navigate to toolbar>share
Go to the toolbar item. Navigate inside this and select 'Share'. Select 'Export file'. Select 'Next'. Automatically, it seems that a mp4 file is used. You can select a location to save the file, then press save.


I don't really know how to upload to Youtube, sorry. Maybe someone else has some experience?

I hope this helps.
