Apple Music, for Android, crossfades!

By DrewWeber, 2 April, 2023


I'm always searching searching searching, for music apps that will crossfade, but not only that, do it properly, like what we've heard for years on the radio. Inteligent crossfading, automatic crossfading, smart crossfading, whatever they call it, as long as it's calculated in realtime vs setting a static time in seconds. My main music streaming service, has been Apple Music for many years. I read months ago that crossfading was available on the Android platform, but the info was sparce. I purchased a used Android device this week and set it up yesterday. I instaled Apple Music to see, the difference in the interface with talkback. It's quite similar to what we find on iOS. There is similarities to Spotify, as there is not a swipe down action for more etc. There is a menu button by each song. When I went into the settings within the app, I found? Crossfading, which was expected. What was not expected, was to find, Automatic! as an option, and it does a pretty darn good job. Yes, I'll state the obvious, it is very interesting that Apple has not included this in there own opporating system. Maybe, one day? Lol.



By Daniel Angus M… on Friday, April 21, 2023 - 18:11

I was never a fan of crossfaiding personally, having tryed it years ago and not liking it. it is very interesting that Apple even considered Android for Apple Music, as they usually are prapriatory to there own platforms. I haven’t used Android for many years, but I like some aspecrs.

By Brian Giles on Friday, April 21, 2023 - 18:11

Agree. I've been waiting for this for years. I used to love how iTunes and even my old iPod nano could do some crossfading. Interesting that Apple Music does crossfading on android but not iOS.