What do you call selecting multiple files that aren't one after another, and how do you do it?

By Bruce Harrell, 9 March, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all.

Senior moment time. I can't remember the correct term used to describe the technique for selecting various files in a file list that aren't actually listed one after another. I'd like to look it up in the User Guide, but I don't know the correct search term. After years of using VoiceOver, I'm thinking it's finally time I got around to learning this feature, seeing as how I have files here and there in a long list that I'd like to select together at the same time. I'd like to avoid having to be selecting each one, copying, and then selecting the next, copying, etc.

Can anyone tell me the correct term, or even better, how you do it?

Bewildered Bruce



By James Dean on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 - 07:37

I wonder if you could use the VO+semicolon command to lock the controll and option keys to avoid having to hold down the VO keys in order not to deselect the files you've selected so far. It may not work for this particular operation, but I feel like it would be worth a shot. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac at the moment to test this myself.

By Chris Smart on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 - 07:37

The term you want is noncontiguous.
As for what it means, synonyms include: nonadjacent, discrete, isolated, isolate, unlinked, unconnected, removed, apart.