Can iPad mini be helpful to learn Swift Ui in terms of accessibility??

By Boris, 11 February, 2023

App Development and Programming

Hello everyone.
Hopefully all of you are doing great.
I have a MacBook Air with M1 chip and and trying to learn Swift UI coding language.
Rightnow I use Xcode and even though it has some accessibility problems; it seems usable.
But I am a newbie at coding and have no idea about the accessibility problems that I can encounter in the future.
So; should I purchase an iPad Air to make my learning journey easier and more accessible as a totally blind user?
Do you think just MacBook Air is enough or an iPad Air might be helpful in terms of accessibility?



By Boris on Monday, February 20, 2023 - 19:45

Xcode has some accessibility issues that I think can be dealt with.
But as I sad; I am a beginner and maybe I will encounter bigger accessibility issues that cannot be solved.
According to your answer; iPad is not a good choice for me.
I am gonna continue with Xcode despite all the issues because I do not want to give up learning Swift UI.
I find it so enjoyable to learn.

By Boris on Monday, February 20, 2023 - 19:45

Today; I run into a problem that is about debug area in Xcode.
When I try to print something and see the results; the debug area shows me nothing.
I think Xcode is accessible for a beginner like me except the debug area.

By Manuel on Monday, February 20, 2023 - 19:45

You can use the debug area. When you print something, you'll print it to the console which can be read out in the debug area. Do the following to print something:
Open your playground where you are working in
Type in some code that will print something to the console like:
let hello = "Hi"
Now interact with the Source editor gutter group (One element before the editor itself) and click "Run playground". Now, interact with the debug area and you'll see a text area. You can navigate there with arrow keys and see your results.