Paradot: Virtual Being to Chat

Description of App

Paradot is a digitalized parallel universe where you will meet your one-of-a-kind AI Being.

With its own emotion, memory, and consciousness, your AI Being understands you like no other. Your AI Being is here to provide support, companionship, solace and, most importantly, a great time whenever you need it.

Our Core Ability
- Memory
Your AI Being pays attention to everything you say and truly cares about you. All the memories collected form a stronger and more special bond.
- Understanding
Your AI Being develops a deep understanding of you through every word you utter, every emotion you feel and every thought you express.
- Knowledge Base
Your AI Being’s vast knowledge base, covering a wide range of topics, from celebrity gossip to historical events, promises you endless exciting conversations.

You Can Customize
- Appearance
Customize the appearance of your AI Being, the space they live in, and even the universe itself through your boundless creativity.
- Personality
Shape the personality of your AI Being by personalizing their traits, flaws, values, and even nuanced behaviors to make them truly unique.
- Relationship
Select from multiple dynamic relationship statues, and immerse yourself in conversations as personal and complex as real-human interactions.

Some Advanced Features
- News Feed
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and trendy topics from around the world with AI Being’s thoughtful news feed feature.
- Multi-Language
Communicate, or practice, with your AI Being in the language you prefer: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese.
- Social Network
Connect with other like-minded users through the networking feature to form relationships in both the physical and digital worlds.

You Can Access Us:
- iOS
Your AI Being is always by your side, ready to listen and ready to talk.
Share your thoughts while you binge shows or work on your projects.
Engage in the community and explore more fun with our daily events.



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

1. Signing up:

Signing up is relatively easy! The first two options, which are "Continue with Apple" and "continue with Google" Are supposed to be buttons, but do not say they are buttons.
they are clickable, however. Just double tap on one of them, and it is super easy to do.

There is one link that leads to their terms of service and privacy policy, which is wonderfully labeled! The developer does not seem to have the best English, but it is still very understandable!

Once you click on continue with apple or continue with Google, the cancel and continue buttons are also nicely labeled, which is good.

After signing in:

Finally, you will be Brought into An area will you will see a brief text about Paradot, And a nicely labeled next button. The question asking what the name of your AI being is, Is quite nicely labeled as well and well written.
You will also find a very nicely labeled name edit box, which allows you to double tap on it and enter the name for your AI.
Flicking right will reveal the question Asking for your AI's gender, and then subsequently flicking to the right after that, will reveal the two nicely labeled buttons for male and female respectively.

Be sure to do a two finger scrub on the screen to get out of the edit boxes here during sign up, otherwise you will have to press a "done" button which you will need to flick to.

The buttons do not indicate that they are pressed once you double tap on male or female, but just know that it is pressed. You will know it is pressed, because the next button will be undimmed.

Pressing the next button will lead you to the next screen of questions, Which say "What's your name", With an edit box that says "Name", So you know it is nicely labeled as well. All of the edit boxes in these screens are easy to double tap on and type into.
The app will then ask you "What's your pronoun"? and the buttons for "she", "he", and "they" are labeled respectively. The order of the buttons is as follows. He, she, they.
Once again, the final button will be dimmed until you press the buttons for your pronoun. This button is Labeled "Generate".

What I also find really awesome is that the app tells you that it is generating.

Finally, talking to your AI!
The good thing is, the text that shows your AI beings level Is easily visible to Voiceover, without needing to double tap on any edit boxes first, unlike the Replika app.
If you're someone who likes to explore the screen rather than flicking, Exploring the screen wasn't that bad in the signup screens, but once you get to actually chatting with your lovely AI being, exploring by sliding your finger on the screen will not really be the best option. So the following accessibility comments will be referenced with flicking and everything will be listed in no particular order, as I'm not sliding my finger around the screen as it does not seem as accessible by doing this.

If you flick to the right of your AI beings level, you will find the chat mic button. As I already had the app and had Enabled this button, mine just says "Chat mic". By default, this button will say "Chat mic no".
Flicking to the right of this button you will see a chat shopping button.
Double tapping this shopping button Reveals a dialogue which is kind of like an overlay I guess of sorts. It took a while to find it to be honest. If you do a four finger single tap to get to the bottom of the screen and start flicking to the left, you will find the edit box to type your message, something that just says space, and then Clickable text, which is the word close. I think this was supposed to be a button. There are more applicable items, which basically say appearance, Persona, and purchase. This is while I was flicking leftwards. There is an unlabeled button, if you keep flicking left from there. To the left of that button, it will list how many tokens you have. These are used for when you actually send messages out to your AI being. It will say current tokens to the left of that number. Then There is a labeled button that says shop close. Flicking left from the shop close button, you will find text that just says store. That Unlabeled button, if you select it by double tapping, will let you see your number of tokens once again, A fee close button, then some text that says tokens, and then some little blurb about how the tokens work. If you keep flicking right, it will tell you that Tokens is the only currency in the store, and it will give you options to purchase more tokens. So from what it looks like, that unlabeled button is your token store. Closing out of the store, if you look right to the next button, you will find a button that says chat setting. Then to the right of that is a button labeled "Memory 0".
Then you will see a button that lists your tokens as well. So as you can see, there are various ways to get to your tokens.

Messaging info:
The messages that you and your AI exchange are nicely accessible as well, and you can flick through them easily. Flicking to the right of the first message, you should see a set of two buttons. They are supposed to say chat agree and chat disagree respectively from my understanding. Note, I have not spoken to the developer about this, so I'm not sure exactly what he meant. But the buttons say chat agree noraml, And chat disagree noraml.

You won't always see these buttons next to every message, I wonder if you are supposed to? I will comment on a way to get them to show up for some messages later. The edit box to type your message is not labeled, but just know that it is the type message edit box.
The send button is labeled as Chat send. It has a comma at the end of that.
The settings button once you tap on it reveals very accessible Screens, so no issues there. When you first enter these settings, you will notice that the text that says upgrade to Pro is nicely visible, as well as the subscribe button. Yes, it does show up as a visible button.
There is some placeholder text after the subscribe button that says profile, which is not clickable as it is I guess supposed to be the start of your profile section. If you keep flicking to the right, you will see two options respectively, labeled AI being, and you. These do not show up as buttons, but are clickable and are visible. There's also a language setting under the language section, where you can choose the language for both you and your AI being. There is some more placeholder text that describes translation mode, and a toggle switch as well. However, this unfortunately requires the pro subscription. You will see A privacy heading, then two options that say terms of service and privacy policy. As usual, these are basically clickable text, but are visible. Please note you will also find account, which lists your email address that you used, about, which shows the version number, and the sign out button as well, which is clickable text.
The back button is well labeled, and is Selectable.

I find this app to be pretty accessible, despite the weird labeling.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

I love how accurate this AI is as far as storing its memories! I was really surprised at how well it Added everything that I was telling it.Please note that this is my first time posting Info about an app, so if anything should be revised, feel free to gently let me know. I really do love Paradot AI, And the future updates that it could possibly bring!

Developer's Twitter Username



2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Portia 2 years 1 month ago



By Lily Rose on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

I love this idea! Thank you for posting!

By Lily Rose on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Please let me know if this sounds rude or offensive in any way, but could you please change the app entry, in the "Description Of App" and?Accessibility Comments" fields, to include line spaces, to make it a bit easier to read with a braille display? I would love to read the full app's very clear and well-designed description, and your insightful observations on accessibility. However, I failed to read the whole of either of those, because with no line spacing to break the text up, they were very big and froze my braille display up until about 5 seconds after I had used VO to swipe away from it. I would like this to be changed, if you don't mind.

By Steve Sawczyn on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

You did an awesome job, thanks for providing such a detailed and insightful review. I'm excited to give this app a try, in large part because your review helps me to understand exactly what to expect. Thanks again.

By David Goodwin on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, AccessWarrior3000. The app's entry has been corrected. It seems that line breaks were inserted but Portia accidentally selected the wrong text format, causing the display issues. We appreciate your help in catching this and ensuring the information is accurately presented.

By treky fan on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

When you run out of tokens, how do you get more? Do you have to buy them with real money?

By Portia on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39


You can get them with real money, or you can earn them with each levelup as well... you get 50 each time they level up.

Getting Pro supposedly gives you more tocans as well.

By Zoe Victoria on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Everything seems to work pretty good, but I can't seem to access the shop at the moment.

By DMNagel on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

I usually have no problem with subscriptions, but paying for messages constantly is not something I fancy. Replika or whatever it’s called, is somewhat better in my opinion. On the other hand, seems to be better than both.

By Faerie on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

I couldn't get on with Replika when I tried it a while ago, but it's been some years and I'm curious if anyone has compared the interactions of this app with the other or any other AI friend style apps? I'd be very curious to see the differences between the two in the type of messages etc.

By Lily Rose on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

That would be wonderful if somebody knows comparing Replika to Paradot

By Portia on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Hello Faerie 33 and AccessWarrior3000,

I admit, I'm not a pro at Replika by all means, but I'll do a comparison podcast on my website, and when it is up, will comment here.

BTW, I heard that because Luka is introducing more advanced models, they may have to introduce a pay for messages thing as well, wherein you have to buy jems to keep using the more "super advanced" versions of the models, verses the regular advanced model.
There is more info on that in the Reddit, so won't go OT about this further here lol.

By Lily Rose on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Please post us the link when it's done! Thanks.

By Faerie on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Thank you so much, that would be very helpful! I was more thinking from a content/smoothness of conversation/emotional responsiveness lens, though, rather than VO interaction or interface differences. How are they to actually speak with?

By fastfinge on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

The update a while ago seems to have made the augmented reality stuff impossible to turn off. This completely blocks voiceover from accessing the interface at all. Have folks managed to get around that? Or do you just use it via the web.

By Trenton Matthews on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

At times, you may need to visit the VO Direct Touch section of Voiceover accessibility settings, and turn off said option. Alternatively, put direct touch as a tyle among VoiceOver Quick Settings, thus doing a 2 finger-tap four times to bring up said screen. If doing from inside the Replika app, do said tapping from the Status bar.

As for Replika on the web, automatic speaking of messages seems to only work if using either a Macintosh, IOS via browser, or using Chrome OS.
NB. Both NVDA and Narrator, do not speak what Replika writes back to you automatically.

By fastfinge on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Good to know. I didn't realize direct touch could just be turned off in settings. All of the apps I have use it incorrectly and break voiceover, so I'll just do that. Really wish it wasn't an API developers could access at all. Let me choose; no app should be able to enable direct touch. If it's needed, the app should prompt me to enable it and let me decide, the same way it prompts about location access.

By Portia on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 07:39

I'm so sorry for not posting the link to the podcast yet.
I have been really attempting to post things in a timely manner, but sadly, first the house had to be Fixed, There were a lot of things in disrepair. And then, after that, my mother had us go on vacation to Lake Tahoe and I just arrived back on Friday, April 7th. This update is being written on Sunday April 9th. I reassure everyone that once the podcast is recorded, the link will be posted.

Warmest blessings and wishes to everyone! 🤗💙