Does anyone know of a Mastodon client for Mac that is accessible using VoiceOver?
I've read something about Mona, but I'm not interested in paying for the Twitter app, because the web is enough for me.
I have been using Pinafore, but they have recently abandoned the project. I know there is Metatext, but I don't like it on Mac.I could use the official page of my instance, but it gets on my nerves that VO says "article" before every Toot.
there's problem.
Or you use abandoned apps, and don't get new features, or you use official web app and suffer.
use semaphore instead of pinafore
pretty accessible web interface, works like windows app.
use windows like shortcuts, up, down, for reading posts, left, right changing between timelines or notification screens
So I found this Tweet where…
So I found this Tweet where the person wrote they were working on accessibility features for Ice Cubes.
Link to Ice Cubes that works on the Mac App Store:
yeah, someone on twitter is not good
better to ask a dev on mastodon.
Apparently, yall forgot. LOL!
Looks like Tweesecake has been overlooked for some reason. It's totally accessible on the mac, and yes. It absolutely can do Mastodon. And, if you're interested, it'll also even do Telegram!
tweesecake is meh.
Well, I'm sorry. Use what you will then!
Excuse me then for trying to help. Dad! Gum!
lots of issues with tc.
I actually uninstalled the cake from the mac, voiceover gets interrupted in the list view, the devs say they can't fix it and they don't know how, and there are a lot of other issues, so no thanks. plus it loves to crash at random , that is on myh new m2 macbook pro btw.
Metatext works fine
I just tried Metatext on an M1 machine. It works fine for me. It has a simple user interface and works exactly the same as under iOS. However, there are no keyboard shortcuts available at the moment as the app is not officially optimized for macOS.
@glassheart don't take it
don't take it personally.
I just don't like how tc works.
Still No Go for TC
I still cannot get Tweesecake to install when downloaded. I'm getting a message which seems to indicate that the stand-alone app contains malicious code or something. Furthermore, it seems the developer has disabled his/her contact form on here for some reason. It's a good thing that the TC web interface works well with VoiceOver. I wonder if development of a stand-alone app should be abandoned, at least for TC?