Signing a PDF on mac or even IOS

By Moopie Curran, 26 January, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

I have a PDF that I need to sign, surprisingly, I've never attempted to do this 100 percent by myself without sighted help. Is there a way I can accessibly do this on my mac, or even my iPhone? I'd prefer to be able to do this without sighted help.
Thank you



By Adaria on Saturday, February 18, 2023 - 22:06

You absolutely should be able to do this using Adobe Acrobat Reader on iOS or Mac, I find the iOS version fully accessible, I can't speak for Mac as I have never had the experience.

The caveat to this is that the PDF document itself needs to be properly formatted and tagged for accessibility with fillabble form fields that are appropriately labelled. If it is not, there is not anything you can do but to get sighted help to fill it out via printing it out or other method. As I don't know the accessibility of the document itself, I can't say what the process will actually look like. If it is not tagged there is very little you can do other than speak with the person who sent it to you or the company for assistance or an alternative method.