Spotify; how to add the currently playing song to a playlist?

By James O'Dell, 21 January, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hi. Does anyone know how to add the currently playing songtoa Spotify playlist when using Voiceover? I can't find a way to do it as I can in apple music. Tapping and holding on the song title in the mini player just brings up the playback screen and there seemsto be noway to do it from there either. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.



By Tristo on Saturday, February 18, 2023 - 21:43

Okay so what you need to do is this: when a song is playing, go to the now playing view by swiping left from the bottom of the screen past your library, search and home buttons untill you hear the name of the song that is currently playing. Double tap on the name. Now you are looking for a button called open the context view. Double tap on that, and swipe right untill you hear add to playlist. Double tap, then choose the playlist you want to add the song to. I hope this helps.

By James O'Dell on Saturday, February 18, 2023 - 21:43

Hi. Thanks for your message. I have now worked out how to do it and thought I would post the info in case it is useful to others. In my copy of Spotify, the process was slightly different to the description in the previous post. This is how i did it:

To add the currently-playing song to a playlist:
1. click on the song title towards the bottom of the screen, to expand the mini player.
2. When the full “now playing” screen opens, you then need to click on an unlabelled button to open the queue of music that you have lined up. Voice Over does not read the name of this button, it just says “button”. If you are flicking through the screen, this button appears after the item which says “listening on” [followed by the name of the device you are listening on. I have not been able to find this button by touch yet.
3. When the queue screen opens, the name of the currently playing track should be at the top of the queue and next to this is a button called “open context menu”. Double-tap this button and it will open the menu.
4. In the menu, double-tap the option called “add to playlist”.
5. Then double-tap the name of the playlist and the song is then added. Voice Over confirms the name of the playlist the song has been added to.

Note: If you want to add a song to a playlist from a list of tracks or search results, the process is much simpler. You Use the Voice Over actions rota to selected the “more options” action, double-tap and then choose the “add to playlist” option and select the playlist.

I hope this helps .

By James O'Dell on Saturday, February 18, 2023 - 21:43

Hi. Thanks for the reply. It is different on my Spotify as There is no context menu button in the main player that I can see, after tapping the song name. Literally the only way I can do it is to press the unlabelled button to open the queue screen first and on that screen there is a context menu for the current track. I have the latest app version so am wondering if I may have some kind of test version as I know with some apps they test different features with different people. I am in the UK.

By James O'Dell on Saturday, February 18, 2023 - 21:43


Since I wrote the above comment, my Spotify has changed again. There is now a button in the main player screen which allows me to access the context menu and add songs to playlists from there. But now the queue of songs which are waiting to play is not accessible without screen recognition, and not great with it. It used to work before. Basically I think we are getting different experiences even with the same IOS and app versions. I understand app developers can give people different experiences by changing things on their end.

Anyway I have now stopped using Spotify as I had it as a trial and have goneback to Apple music as my wife preferred Apple for our family subscription. I also don't like the constant accessibility changes and issues in Spotify. So that's it for me with Spoffify for quite a while.

Thanks for all your help.
