Re-organizing apps on my home screen'

By jprykiel, 21 January, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hi friends.
I understand how to move apps on my home screen, but I find it hard to get the disposition I wish.
My home screen still has one line of empty space, so there is room to move the apps around, that is in theory. But as iOS doesn't allow halls on screen, how does one make space for an app?
The three choices we currently have is before, after, or make a folder with the app in the new location. There doesn't seam to be a way to just swap location between two apps.
If I move an app to where I want it to be, it disorganizes everything in between, as it shifts every app in between 1 column left. Is it easier from a Mac maybe?
Thanks for your help,



By Wenwei on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Hi! I hope the following response might be of some use... What I ended up doing was I planned out each page of my home screen, also taking account how much space a widget would take up. I then organized my phone by dragging apps around on empty pages. I just mapped out my layout and started dropping apps after previous app from the top left to the bottom right, exactly where I wanted them to be. Like you, I found that I couldn't just drag an app all the way down from row one to row five, for example, without displacing apps. I've never tried swapping the position of an app by manually dragging because at this point, all I would need to do is drop an app before or after if I needed to make this small change.

Assuming that your home screen isn't overfilled, keep in mind that you can't appear to place an app on the left and right edges. Presumably this is because this gives the screen an uncluttered look? And also sighted people like to drag items off the screen and make them disappear off the current page, so they have space to do this? πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ There is also a small gap between the top of the dock and the bottom of the status bar that you'll need to plan for.

Hope this makes sense and good luck!

By Jeff on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

If you want to swap apps, it must be done in 2 steps.

Let's say for example you want to swap the app located at row 1, column 3 with the app at row 4, column 2, move the app from 1, 3 to before 4, 2. Then move the 4, 2 up to before 1, 3. The apps will shift left after the first move, but shift back after the second move.

By jprykiel on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

Hey, thanks to both of you for these helpful replies.
Jeff, your swapping procedure was brilliant, and indeed what I was hoping to get from this forum and it worked just fine.

By MuseumShuffle on Saturday, February 11, 2023 - 07:39

I was sad when they got rid of the ability to organize apps from your Mac via iTunes. I still have trouble once in a while organizing things although it is so much better now.