VoiceOver issues spreading

By joshl, 21 April, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Hello everyone,
I have noticed a serious VO issue in a few Apps, and it seems to be spreading. (I apologize if this has been addressed somewhere else.) Specifically, in the app store and audible, VO seems to get stuck while navigating by swiping. The focus jumps to the top of the screen and will only move a few items at a time before jumping back. I have also noticed that general reading performance in the app story has made it virtually unusable. I wanted to see if anyone else has run in to these issues and or found a work around.



By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:42

I agree. It is getting harder to move around it. Hope iOS 16 address issues with VO instead of doing a feature and continue to neglect VO.

By Bobcat on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:42

I see the same behaviour in Safari and many third-party apps. The good example with Safari is on Amazon. When browsing a list of products you could get stuck on part of the list and have to touch somewhere else on the screen to continue. Seems to happen if there's extra content like deals. But I really don't know what causes this. The only workaround I have is to touch somewhere else on the screen.
Have you called Apple Accessibility about this? You could share your screen and show them an example.
We should all be calling or sending in bug reports. I don't think we're trying hard enough to get the message through to them. voiceover focus issues are getting worse.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:42

I've seen this too, especially in the Audible app. I love using it, but, I have an extensive library, with over 1,000+ titles in it. So, as you may expect, it's hard to navigate at times when trying to find a book. Only thing I can do, is search for stuff in there. Then, click on it, and slay it. I think this is one case where the workaround, IF there is one, is going to differ from app to app at times. Sure, some general things work, like touching another part of the screen, but, I've found it can sometimes make it worse. Sorry I can't answer your question, but, know that you're not alone in your pain.

By Tristo on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:42

I’ve seen this in messages, Spotify, and Netflix. It is getting harder to find messages and delete them.

By Lee on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:42


I'm sure I've seen somewhere maybe on here that certainly for audible you need to make sure in settings the navigations setting is set to flat and not group.

By Bobcat on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:42

Navigation is getting so difficult with any browser based app.
I'm frustrated all the time.
I haven't updated to iOS 16 so there's no point in me sending feedback to Apple.

1: Getting stuck on elements.
2: Skipping over elements randomly.
2.1: navigating by headings occasionally jumps or skips over several headings when navigating forward and will skip to the previous heading intern properly while navigating backwards. But sometimes it navigate's properly in both directions. This is random. an example would be searching your browser history: Dates are organized by headings.
2.2: using your browsing history above navigation by headings will sometimes say heading not found even though there are many headings. this happens on a lot of shopping sites like Amazon. VoiceOver says element not found when navigating by that element. 3: Navigation within edit fields unpredictable.
4: cursor Get stuck..
5: Will not navigate forward by lines in this Multi edit field. Can navigate back but then can't not navigate forward again by lines; even though lines available in the rotor.
6: Losing focus from the Multi – edit field. Can't find the text when exploring by touch And, more...
7: some edit boxes won't even activate no matter what gestures I use.

8: Focus skipping to the keyboard while selecting text, using text selection method in the rotor., Not using pinch to select [which doesn't work first time for me..

9: Sign-up ads covering up important controls.
10: Same page links often taking my focus back to the top or not moving to the linked element.
11: rotor switching to different setting depending on where focus lands.

12: it took me over an hour to edit this post on my iPhone 13 mini because of all of the bugs above.

13: I would like to do a screen recording video and upload it to AppleVis and also to major social websites. However, I am no good at editing videos because it's really hard to do with the built-in photo and video editing app.

14: with somebody collaborate with me to edit this for better clarity and help me edit a video that we can upload to as many people as possible so that we can actually get change for the better?
15: please refer to each topic by number when making comments. This may avoid confusion and arguments.
16: add more related bugs if you know. Follow the numbering.
17: please don't make discouraging comments. I've heard them all before. We've all heard them before. They are not helpful. Please do not clutter the conversation by making negative comments. For example: saying we're too small group for anyone to pay attention to us. Or, Apple doesn't listen. or that we shouldn't bother Apple because they already do so much for us and it could be worse.
18: I know some of these issues are browser design problems and not necessarily voiceover problems. However, Voiceover handles these things very poorly and it's very difficult to get app and web developers to fix them when they are not sure how much is because of the OS and how much is because of the screen reader.
19: The idea is to clearly and plainly indicate to Apple that these issues are more serious than mini think. We need to show them.
19: I also know that sometimes it's just user error.

Thank you.
PS I've never really learned how to collaborate using the AppleVis platform. Are there any forum topics, videos, etc. that can help?

Keyboard switching from numeric back to alphabetic after pressing space in some edit boxes. This is random and very time wasting.

You can tell I've lost my numbering system because navigation is so darn difficult. I just moved by lines and the cursor jumped all over the place. It spoke a whole bunch of text from different parts of my post and got me confused. I don't even know where The cursor is in the post now
I would've done better editing in notes and pasting here. That would've saved me a lot of trouble. But, editing in notes has its issues too. It would be better if I just used windows and worked on these posts in Firefox.
But, the iPhone is my daily driver. It's with me all the time.

I'm really doing this to help things get better. I'm not trying to bash Apple or anyone who feels frustrated or feels this isn't worthwhile. I believe we can work together to make an improvement. If you don't agree please ignore this thread.
Thanks again

By peter on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:42

I have noticed two specific issues with VO and reading:

1. When dwiping down with two fingers to read an article in the News app, VO will often suddenly jump to the beginning of the article if when the reading hits a Tweet that contains a video or photo. I've reported this to Apple. Let's see what happens.

2. Often when swiping, VO will speak part of what it is supposed to speak and not the rest. In the Stocks app, for example, if I swipe to a stock symbol, VO will speak the symbol/stock, but not the value as it is supposed to. This is not 100% reproducible.

Make sure you re port these issues to Apple accessibility since if they don't know about the issues there is no way they will be fixed!


By John W. Hess on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:42

Good day to all. I know it's been said before but Please, Please, Please, send a message to apple Accessibility outlining your specific issue. I see many are posting about the same issue and I actually did write to Apple Accessibility. I received a reply asking me to send screen recordings of the problem.
I sent them 3. One a the problem demonstrated in safari settings, one demonstrated in message settings and one demonstrated moving through Spotify play lists. I received a message 2 days later thanking me for the recordings and assuring me this would go to the proper people.
Regardless of how we may feel about the replies we get from Apple accessibility or sometimes the lack of reply this is really the best and only channel I am aware of to report problems. Screen recordings are a great way and allow them to see the problem in action.
Go to settings, control center and add screen recording.
Starting a recording is as easy as going to control center and double tapping screen recording. You will hear a count down and it will start recording. Voiceover will be recorded as well along with the gestures you are using to produce the problem.
Stopping the recording unfortunately does not work with the 2 finger double tap but does work if you go back to control center and double tap screen recording.
Please, all who are having this issue just send screen recordings to apple accessibility with all of these issues. What's nice is that when you attach the recording Mail drop sends it to iCloud and provides a link in the message.
So, all of you who have posted your issues, take it one step further and make screen recordings and send them to apple accessibility. This is how we get things corrected.
Woof,woof from a yellow lab staring out the windows at the Minnesota snow.