2 Random Keyboard Shortcuts (Mail & the Dock)

By Glen Morrow, 3 January, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi folks,
Long time reader, first time poster...

So thought I'd share two keyboard shortcuts I came across that may be helpful - sorry if you already knew them but here goes....

Ok so in macOS Mail, if you need to jump to the first or last message in your Inbox (or any mailbox for that matter) press COMMAND+OPTION+UP ARROW. COMMAND+OPTION DOWN ARROW moves to the last message in the current mailbox.

Next up, on the Dock, if you have ever wanted to re-arrange the dock and either struggle with using the mouse or just didn't know you could with VoiceOver, do the following:
1. Move to the Dock, with VO+D or non VO command is CTRL+F3
2. Move to the app you want to move with the arrow keys
3. Press OPTION + LEFT or RIGHT ARROW and the dock item starts moving one item at a time. You just keep pressing this until you get to where you want the item to go and then just press ESC

anyway hope someone finds either or both of these useful.

enjoy your day and stay cool or warm depending on where you are!

Cheers, Glen



By mr grieves on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 19:36

Didn’t know either of these. Getting to the top of Mail is something I always struggle with. Now if my mushy brain can just remember…
Thanks very much for sharing.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 19:36

If you use option S you'll open safari, note you don't need the shift key I just capitalized it. Hope that helps.

By mr grieves on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 19:36

Now that's one I use all the time. I think it's part of Keyboard Commander, so that needs to be enabled, and think it has to be right option (unless you've changed it).

I've a few things like that set up in Keyboard Commander, like Opt+M for Mail, Opt+Z for terminal, Opt+C for Skype etc. Really handy.

By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 19:36

I know how to move stuff to my desktop, but what is the shortcut for moving things to the dock?

Smile. Thank you!


By Glen Morrow on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 19:36

Hi Folks,
Bruce (and anyone else who's interested) highlight the item you want to move to the Dock in Finder, then press CTRL+SHIFT+COMMAND+T (bit of a finger twister there!)

In addition to the commands above, when you are in the Dock, press UP ARROW on an app to see it's context menu (like right clicking) or for VO users press VO+SHIFT+M to see the context menu
To jump to an app - say pages, go to the Dock, then press P until you get to Pages.