I welcome everyone. I noticed that the speed of speaking text when logging in when the macbook was just turned on, as well as the speed of voiceover speech in the terminal, is much lower than when working in other applications. And in general, the maximum speech rate feels slower than the same voiceover speech synthesizer on my iPhone. Can I somehow make voiceover speak faster in the terminal? Can I somehow speed up the used speech synthesizer above 100%, even if this would have to use some alternative methods that are not related to the voiceover settings?
Have you tried changing voice?
If anything, I'm sure the Mac voice speed is faster than my iPhone. I'm sure that since installing Ventura it got a whole lot faster too. (But I'm not a super speed VoiceOver user)
Have you tried changing the voice? Something like Alex or Eloquence is much, much faster than the other voices. You're probably already there, but I thought I'd mention it.
You could mean the system voice
Since Ventera it's been moved around and a pain to set. I think it's always a bit slower so sighted people can hear things but I know you can speed it up.
Spoken Content
If it is Spoken Content, it's under System Settings > Accessibility > Spoken Content and it has a slider for the speaking rate there. Might be worth a try.