Thanks so much it is not a straight forward, but i can manage my seller profile after your push, thanks so much
Will i face any accessibility issues when doing my gig?
Not really. The only part you might need help with is the bit where you have to attach a photo in the last step of your gig, as far as taking the photo and making sure it turns out fine, but attaching the photo shouldn't be a problem, its just the taking the photo itself where I needed a bit of a hand, just to make sure I had good lighting etc. Other than that though, you shouldn't face any problems, just remember to enable accessibility on the top of the web site.
Try Chrome
I've never used Fiverr on Mac OS, but I have set up my profile using NVDA and Chrome on Windows 10. Chrome on Mac might get you better results.
I set it up in
I set my seller profile in safari on ios no problems.
Very tricky but i can manage
Thanks so much it is not a straight forward, but i can manage my seller profile after your push, thanks so much
Will i face any accessibility issues when doing my gig?
Not really. The only part you might need help with is the bit where you have to attach a photo in the last step of your gig, as far as taking the photo and making sure it turns out fine, but attaching the photo shouldn't be a problem, its just the taking the photo itself where I needed a bit of a hand, just to make sure I had good lighting etc. Other than that though, you shouldn't face any problems, just remember to enable accessibility on the top of the web site.
first time to know that
I do not know that there is an accessibility link on the website,
great to here.
Thanks so much for helping