tips for a somewhat newbie whose used Ipads before but not phones

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯, 26 December, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Hey, all,
Hope every one had a good Christmas and if you're in the nature-made freezer box like I am, then, I hope you're staying warm and safe. I have a question that may seem odd. However, I'm in kind of an odd place.
I made a leap into the 21st century today... and got a cell phone, (Iphone 13) which I love! I'm familiar with Apple products and how they work in general, more spicifically, an Ipad. However, I have never used an Iphone! So, I'm somewhat of a noobie. Does anyone here have any tips, resources or both for someone in my situation? Because I could use them. I'm playing around and trying to figure stuff out myself, which, is proving to be very interesting, but, fun! :-) But, I'd really appreciate the help! Because while they work similarly in some ways, there's quite a bit of difference there as well. Also, what voice are you all using on your phones? I'm trying to find a voice that I like, and am having a heckuva time finding one. I've been using Samantha until I find something I like. I've tried Ava Enhanced and Premium. But, it sounded to quiet at in my opinion.
I'm thinking about what would be ideal if you're out in public, in crowds, family gatherings, etc, where you could hear your phone ringing, or both ringing and tal'king. Because I'm also thinking about buying a couple ring text and voicemail ringers. But, I'd rather not if I don't have to. Because I want something I'll be able to hear when I'm turning up the radio for instance.



By Dennis Long on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:44

I use Eloquence if you don't like that I would try Alex.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:44

Alex is fine, so I use that. I'd recommend you turn off audio ducking. That's a feature that will as promised, make your audio like a book turn down, so you can hear the ring, or text tone. apple has a ton of text tones, you shouldn't need to buy another one, and a buck thirty is to expensive for a thirty second clip IMO. I do however have ring tones from a band I am passionate about so yeah there's that. Tip, everyone and their mother has the old phone ring, so if you can use one like old car horn for instance, it will save the, tapping pocket, is that me? Which i hate. Another thing is voice over will go to a hundred percent volume when a call is coming in. Now my biggest complaint with apple is what they've done for sound volume. Back in I think IOS six, your ear would be blasted out when a text came in while on a call. so they did turn that down. However try this experiment. Go to sound settings, pick an alert tone, I'll use popcorn for example. Your volume for sounds is maxed at a hundred percent. press popcorn, it's loud enough I guess. Now press the side button three times, voice over is completely turned off, press right where you've done before. even if you hit a different sound, you'll hear the drastic change in volume, I'd say 25% at least. If Apple ever fixes this, I'll be grateful. Oh you need to turn voice over completely off, if you mute speech, the sound still works at the lower volume. Hope that made sense.

By Jeff on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:44

You didn't say whether you wanted US English or another language, but you can set up multiple "languages" and use the rotor to switch between them. This means you can actually set up a default US English voice and a different voice in the US English language setting. You can also set up your favorite voices for British English, Irish English, etc. Personally, I prefer Tom, a US English voice, for voiceover. But I've also set Niclole as an alternative US English voice.

By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:44

Check the many podcast on how to use face ID, how to use notification, control and open phone without the home button. Voices that so call elequents are not that great compare to windows jaws. Focus on learning to use the phone. Thomas did a great job on those issues by doing podcasts.

By gailisaiah on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 07:44

Hello Dawn, As someone noted above, Thomas has done many podcasts on using the iPhone and different programs and settings. Also there's the getting started guide for the iPhone as well as voiceover guides. All right here on Applevis. I keep this site in my favorites and am always learning something new from this community. Best!