Using playlists as alarm

By Leslie, 13 December, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all,
I know that when you're setting an alarm, you can pick a song to wake up to. But if you want to, is there an app or something which would make it possible to program entire playlists to wake up to? Thanks in advance. All the best,



By Roxann Pollard on Monday, January 9, 2023 - 14:42

Although I don't have a specific act recommendation for you, to allow a playlist to be your alarm tone, I suggest creating your favorite morning playlist, set your alarm, when it goes off, then simply grab your phone and tell Siri to play that playlist. That's the fastest way to work around it.

By Moopie Curran on Monday, January 9, 2023 - 14:42

Under the shortcuts app, there's a tab called automations, you can set it to play music at a certain time of day.
One of the actions you can have it do is play music, and the trigger is time of day. Of course, you can fine tune it with the setting for the day time trigger, and the play music action, for instance, when I need an alarm, I have it play my favorite playlist on shuffle, so I never know what will play to wake me up. And the best thing, the music will play through any device you may have hooked up, as opposed to the speaker. Obviously, if you don't have a bluetooth device connected at the time, music will come through the speaker, but it won't be as jarring and ugly-sounding (in my oppinion) as the alarm in the clock app. It will just sound like when you play music through the iPhone speaker. I hope this helps.