/ have problem because no matter which language that I use on my iPhone it comes out with swedish speech. I have my phone set on English but this is annoyin Is there a way to make this better?
The issue is that when I type the letters and words are spoken out in Swedish. I am using braille screen input.
By Sabrina, 17 November, 2022
iOS and iPadOS
I thing not
I thinb there is no something to do with that.
It's depends on the language keybord on the screen you are using.
for example: if I am using Hebrew keybord it's happans to me to.
It doesn't related to BSI keybord.
I have the same problem. One…
I have the same problem. One workaround is adding english to the language rotor, then switching to that, so english isn't your default language. You can also have 2 english voices, one as default language and one in the rotor, if you prefer that. Unfortunately Apple changed this functionality in Braille Screen Input, but it works for regular keyboard use.
Depends on the Selected Keyboard
Switch to English keyboard before moving to rotor to Braille Screen Input and VO should speak as expected.
You don't have to switch from braille screen input
You don't have to switch from brille scereen input to change keyboard language. A two finger swipe down on braille screen input mode will switch keyboards.