Clipboard Manager

By Jim Homme, 10 June, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

I looked at Shortcuts. I'm unsure it can do what I want in one respect. I'd like to be able to have an app or a process that I can turn on. While it's on, it watches the clipboard. When it sees content come to the clipboard, it does something with it, such as append to a file.





By honest nan on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 - 22:03

I had questions about the clipboard and ran across your post. I found an article on the Apple Support site that says there are 3 ways to access ore use the clipboard. Sadly, the shortcut method won't work, anymore.
The one helpful suggestion was to use the notes app as a sort of permanent clipboard. Open notes, start a new note, leave that app open and go to the app where you want to save something. Copy it, and paste it in the new note. Then save the note. Not quite what you were looking for, but it could be useful.