thoughts on the SE 3 with 5g?

By Dennis Long, 26 August, 2022

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

What are people's thoughts on the SE that came out this year with 5g? How do you like the battery life? What do you like about it? What don't you like about it?



By Troy on Saturday, August 27, 2022 - 11:57

I purchased the SE3 in May and love it! The battery life is very good for what I use it for. Depending on my usage I can get 2 days without charging it. For example if I stream alot especially when I'm at home throughout the day I do have to charge it at night but if I'm at work where I don't use it at all I can usually wait until the next day to charge it. I also want to mention that after 3 months my battery's max compasity is still at 100%. When I purchased my IPhone8 my max compasity had dropped to 98% after 3 months.
The SE3 is also very fast and responsive. For example with my IPhone8 it took forever to download app updates and sometimes the downloads would stop and I would have to tap update all again.
I also like the fact that The SE3 utalizes the newer accessibility features such as screen recognition and describe images.
One thing that I wish the SE3 did have is the lidar scanner. The SE3 does not. The only phones that have lidar capabilities are the IPhone12 and above.
Overall this is a great phone and if you are on a budget or you can't really afford the newer phones then I'd highly recommend the SE3.