ABBYY FineReader automatically convert files

By Dennis Westphal, 22 August, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps


I will use my Macbook Air for getting a bachelors degrees. Since PDF-support sucks on Mac Os I will most definitely convert many files from PDF to other formats such as txt or rtf. That works with the ABBYY FineReader but I can not find a way to automate this process.

### What I want to happen:

I want to have one folder on my Mac where I copy files to, that I want to be converted into another file format and performed OCR on.
The files should be saved under the same name into another file and the PDF files should either get deleted or moved into another folder.

### further questions

Which format for longer text do you all recommend? I could thing of reading in Pages since it is easy to navigate between the pages of the Document and thus keeping track of where I am. But hints will be appreciated.

Thanks for your help. Cause I just don't know where to begginn with this.



By Panais on Thursday, August 18, 2022 - 21:57

This was an extremely interesting question and finding a way to do what you described, would be very helpful to me as well. So I had a quick look into the matter and that’s what I came up with, Although I regret to say that the best I can do is push you one small step forward.
First, there is an app for windows that does exactly what you want it to do, so there must be A similar app for Mac as well.
What follows is what they state in their website.
‘The automation feature in PDF Converter app allows for on-the-fly conversion of documents from a watched folder to PDF files in an output folder. It is even possible for the administrator to configure multiple folders for automation, as well as perform additional set of actions, such as, apply watermark, password or page number. Once applied, it is just a matter of you or other co-workers copying or putting documents to one of this configured folder to convert to PDF files automatically, from any workstations. This provides an easy way to streamline the document processing tasks for all users in the organization.’
This is the link if you want it.

By Dennis Westphal on Thursday, August 18, 2022 - 21:57

Hi Panais,

thank you for this. Yes, it is a small step. But even the smallest will get you there some time.


By Bruce Harrell on Thursday, August 18, 2022 - 21:57

If you want to get there yourself and are willing to put in the time and energy, you could probably create shortcuts and automation app sequences to accomplish your end goal with only a few or perhaps even only a single keystroke. Creating it is the hard part.

Good luck!