High sierra problem for installing Reaper SWS extension

By Sauro, 1 August, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello folks.
I had to reinstall High Sierra OS on my Intel Mac Book Pro with Reaper and Osara, but I'm having trouble installing SWS Extension as the app Terminal, tihis is the terminal error:

-bash: / Users / saurofani / Library / Application Support / REAPER / UserPlugins / reaper_sws-x86_64.dylib: cannot execute binary file.
I have tried different versions of this component but I always get the same message.
Can someone help me?

Many thanks in advance.



By Igna Triay on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 20:02

I have no idea what could be going on, I've never ran into this problem. Have you tried disabling the gatekeeper? That's the only thing I acan think of. That, or the version your trying to install is too new for the OS. If needed, I have a portable copy of reaper that I carry around everywhere with osara and sws installed. I'll just have to remove the license file from it, but I can upload it and pass it to you if you need it and cant solve this, just let me know.

By Dominique Stansberry on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 20:02

why not just upgrade the O.S? Reaper works well on Monterey. Just a question. SWS Works fine here too.

By Sauro on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 20:02

Hi, mine is an old Mac Book Pro from 2010 to which I added an SSD that still works fine but cannot be updated beyond 10.13.6.

Thank you

By Sauro on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 20:02

Ok your suggestion was perfect, I disabled Gatekelper from the terminal and everything worked.!

Many many thanks.