Express VPN on Mac

By Zack, 7 November, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello, I am wondering if anybody here uses the Express VPN app on Mac and can speak to whether or not it is accessible. Specifically, are essential buttons labeled correctly and able to be activated via Voiceover? Can features such as profile and region switching be used via Voiceover? Can settings be accessed and changed via Voiceover?

Thank you for any info you can offer.



By Sergey on Friday, August 5, 2022 - 02:42

I recently started using Express VPN on several of my devices, including my Macbook Air. There are no difficulties in setting it up. The only unusual thing I encountered on Mac version is that the button to start connection is labelled with numbers and % (percent) sign. When connection is not active it shows 0 percent and when you activate the connection it shows 100 percent.
But generally speaking the app is very accessible. So far I don't see any difficulties in setting it up and using it.