Google News Headings on Mac Safari

By PaulMartz, 6 July, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

I used to navigate using VO+Command+H to jump by headings. This has stopped working recently, and since Safari hasn't changed, I assume it's a change at Google's end that has somehow exposed a defect in VoiceOver web navigation.

To reproduce, go to in current Safari. Then use VO+Command+H to jump by heading. I expect to hear VoiceOver read the title of each news article. Instead, I hear VoiceOver say "Headlines", which is the first heading, but VoiceOver won't navigate past it. Subsequent VO+Command+H keypresses simply read that first heading over and over again.

I can work around this by opening the list of headings with VO+U.

Anyone else experiencing this? Thanks.



By Manuel on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 02:00

The Google News page in Germany still works as expected. I can navigate through all the headlines by pressing VO-CMD-H. Maybe you have to accept the cookies or there is any other popup.

By Daniel Angus M… on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 02:00

Google News works fine for me. I can press VO-command-H and VoiceOver works as expected. I am beta testing both macOS Monterey 12.5 and Safari Sixteen with no issues

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 02:00

Thinking this must be something specific to me, I deleted all Google-related cookies, signed out of my Google account, closed all open tabs, and tried it again. I still get the same behavior - VO+Command+H will not move past the first Heading, the one that reads "Headlines". I'm stumped.

By Bryan Jones on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 02:00

I followed your instructions and got the same result: After initial page load, pressing VO + Cmd + H will not move beyond the heading labeled "Headlines." On my system, a quick VO + left or right arrow seems to break the stalemate and I can then navigate headings as expected. The issue does not occur for me in Chrome 103 on the same system.

Safari Version 15.5 (17613.
macOS 12.4
MacBook Air M1 2020
US English

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - 02:00

Thanks. Good to know I'm not hallucinating.