Any way to make Safari less verbose when navigating web pages?

By Stoo, 23 June, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi, I'm still finding the whole web browsing experience on Mac using Safari frustrating, what with focus jumping around, Voiceover getting stuck and other problems when compared to JAWS and Windows.

however my particular question for today is regarding making Voiceover less verbose when navigating web pages using Safari on Mac.

Is there a way to stop it reading out extra information, specifically things like it telling me about the start and end of banners, articles and other elements of the webpage structure that slow me down as I don't need to know that info.

Also, any other tips for making the whole Mac web browsing experience smoother than I'm finding it will be much appreciated!!



By Bruce Harrell on Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 22:39


Have you tried changing your verbosity settings in VoiceOver? I believe you can also make your verbosity settings unique for safari using voiceover activities.