consistent bugs in iOS 15

By Bhavik Vyas, 18 April, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

hello friends,
I just want to ask everybody about the focus bug in phone app. I mean, when I try to call from recent call list I tap on a name and then double tap on the name which I want to call, but call go's to some other person in the call list. this same bug I encountered in favourites, and this bug is exist for long.
2nd bug I found is find my app is not accessible with voiceover.
it is unusable with screen recognition as well.
the 3rd thing I noticed is that siri does not work's efficiently .
for example , when we ask siri to open password settings , or any other specific settings , it open general settings every time no matter what you ask.
I just want to ask everybody if this happen with them also , or I am the only one?
I think the phone bug and find my bug is annoying.
lastly I want to here your thoughts on all this.
thank you all in advance for your replies.
Bhavik A Vyas



By hittsjunk on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

Hi. As the subject says, I don’t encounter any of your bugs. I can successfully use Find My to find my current iPhone and my AirPods Pro. I don’t have issues with the Phone app either. I haven’t tried your settings example, but I suspect it would also work.

By Siobhan on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

Hi. It's clear from your writing, English may not be your first language which is completely ok. However if you speak with an accent, I'm wondering if siri can't detect what you mean. also I think you can just type in what setting you want and I'm sure that might work. The phone bug I haven't had and the find my, I don't use. I should probably. I'm sorry i'm not of more help but other than what I've suggested, I don't see why the bugs you are having are coming up.

By Bhavik Vyas on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

then any body knows why is this happens to me? please answer. I am using Iphone 12pro max IOS 15.4.1.
Bhavik A Vyas

By Bhavik Vyas on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

the siri bug which i was pointing out is same for every one. because i herd siri behaving same on a podcast of jonathan mosen, mosen at large. some body on this podcast demonstrating something and she invoke siri to open sound and haptic settings but siri open general settings instead. so you see i know what i am reporting. and about writing. i am writing something for the first time , so i have some errors naturally.

By Manuel on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

I'm currently not able to reproduce all of your described issues. For example, I can open password settings by saying "Show my passwords" to Siri. Also, I'm able to jump directly to general settings or accessibility settings by telling Siri to do so. Nevertheless, I've often heard that some people are encountering the annoying focus bug in the phone app in the recents or favorites tab. For me, this does not occur on my iPhone 13.

By OldBear on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

I think IOS 15 has focus issues all around that happen in different apps for different people's devices, just from watching the subjects here on AppleVis. For me, it's in the most recent pictures section of the Photos app where I notice it the most, but I use that app more often than the phone app. I don't know what is causing VO to lose focus in an app that is seemingly static, nothing seems to help, and I don't know why Apple isn't addressing them. We're about half way through the life cycle of 15.

By Bhavik Vyas on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

That’s what I’m saying Apple is not addressing the focus issue from long time. And yes, Siri open’s the password settings when I say show my passwords, but does not open when I say open password settings. nevertheless, it’ solves my problem. Thank you.

By Saj on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

One annoying bug is with AirPods even though I have them with me, it keeps saying that I’ve left them behind. Very strange. I do not have any other issues to be honest.

By Ishkabibble on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

I've noticed the Siri bug many times. Usually it doesn't bother me too much but it is definitely there and persistent. The Photos app crashing bug is also really annoying but it seemed to get fixed a few months ago on my iPhone (still present on iPad though). The AirPods being left behind bug is also there although I just ignore it because my AirPods are always in my pocket. The Phone app and FindMy app bugs I haven't encountered at all, but it seems like different people with different configurations have different issues. Hope this helps.

By bonerobot on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

As the subject says, I can't reproduce even one of the mentioned bugs. I use an iPhone 12 Pro with the latest IOS-version.
But there's one anoying bug which anoys me and many others since IOS 14.6. if you're pearing a BT-speaker with your iPhone, Voiceover's sound level is totally freaking out.
I reported it to Apple's accessibility-team, but they always only stating that they noticed this behavior and are working on it.

By Jakob Rosin on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

To verify who you're going to call first in the recents / favorites tabs, triple tap or perform a long press on the selected contact or number. This opens up some options for that contact, with their name at the top. If the name is correct, just choose what you want to do from that list.

By DPinWI on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

I am grateful I don't have these bugs, but for me, iOS 15.4 added a focus bug in News. When I encounter the all too common embedded Twitter box, either the focus will jump back to the top of the page, or, flicking right will be impeded. If either happens, I have to navigate by touch to find my place, or continue.

By Daniel Hawkins on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

Hello guys, yes, I too have the same issue with the Phone app in the favorites and recent area. If you go to the person's name and doubletap, it will call someone else. So, I have started a habit of swiping up for more info and then go to call button there. I believe it started at IOS 14.6 and it still is happening now.

I don't use Siri much due to my speech is not that clear, so can't help you there. As for Find My app, it works fine for me.

I have been shooting around the idea of doing a complete wipe and reinstalling everything fresh. Sometimes you need to do that for a fresh install.

By Bobcat on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

I'm finding more and more places where navigation forward and back are not the same. Flicking right moves through a set of items and flicking left will skip over some of those items or even go to a different place altogether.

I think it's most notable in any web based app interface.

And I've seen it in lots of places on iOS Apple apps.

I'd like Apple to know that it isn't fair to switch things around when you're moving back the way you came. That is just an insult to people with vision loss.

By piotr on Monday, April 25, 2022 - 08:53

I have this bugs too.
When i double tap on person in favorites list or last call, phone is calling to another person.
Sometimes when I try select "more info" options, the phone is calling to other person and not showing number details.
I have iPhone SE 2020 with 15.4.1 IOs version.

By PaulMartz on Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 08:53

I just encountered the phone recents focus issue. I put focus on a number, double-tapped, and it dialed the next number down the list instead.

I've seen a similar issue with the task switcher, which I use much more often. I swipe left or right to an app I'd like to close, 3-finger swipe up to close it, and then discover that I have closed a different app entirely. I'm unsure when I first encountered this problem, but it has been around for a long time.

I believe I've seen a similar focus issue when entering my passcode after a reboot. I have typing mode set to Touch Typing. I hear the correct digit before I lift my finger, but sometimes get an incorrect passcode.

Finally, there is a similar issue in the Music app when viewing albums. With VoiceOver focus on some album in the list, VoiceOver will describe the image for some other nearby album. Of all the issues I've listed, this one is very consistent. I can reproduce it every time I open the Music app. And on a related note, I have Describe Images turned off for the Music app, yet VoiceOver consistently ignores this setting and describes the wrong album image anyway.

I have an iPhone SE 2020 with latest iOS.

By Daniel Angus M… on Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 08:53

I do not experience these. I am beta testing iOS Sixteen, and if I find to suddenly experience these bugs, I’ll report them!

By gailisaiah on Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 08:53

So you get a message and read it on the lock screen. Then when you unlock your phone, the Messages app still says there are unread messages. So my work-around is just to have Sirie read the message.

By Igna Triay on Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 08:53

Find my app is fully accessible with voiceover. Granted its interface has a curve to it but, it is accessible. I haven't really encountered some of the other bugs you mentioned.

By stephlin777 on Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 08:53

I have recently started experiencing the focus issue as well and am finding it quite embarrassing since I have called various people by mistake and then probably sounded rather confused and had to apologize etc. Even if I swipe up and go to "more info" it has also happened that the phone just started calling a random number on the recents screen for example. I will be trying the long press method that has been suggested above to see if that works. This is not just something I feel that is an annoying bug, but I feel it is rather important to be able to call the correct number reliably from one's phone on a regular basis.