Assassin rpg

By DMNagel, 10 June, 2022

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hi everyone. Recently, someone posted a link for a browser-based text game called Assassin rpg or something like that in a topic, but I decided to post a topic of my own focusing specifically on this game. In this game, you play as an assassin, hacker, or smuggler as you attempt to make your mark. Once you've trained your character and are confident in their skills, you can take jobs from other people. Some jobs will require hacking skills, others will require you to smuggle things, or you can even dig up information about a specific user, such as where they live. Finally, you can simply use your weapons skills to take someone out. If you have lots of cash, but don't think you are proficient enough in something, you can post a job listing, asking someone to make the hit for you. I just started playing today, but by the look of things, this game will require time and patience. You won't be doing any fancy stuff soon, as your character will start with everything at 0 and you will have to train your skills based on one of the three professions mentioned above. When you play using Safari on your iPhone, there is a few things you should know however. In order to access the community, business or status links, you must double tap and hold on them, before double tapping on open from within the pop-up menu. The second thing you should know is that, when your character dies, they are truly gone. You will have to logout of their account and literally register a new one. The third and final thing you should know is that, you should always try to remember your characters bank info, for when they die, your new character can claim their cash should they have any left in the bank. Should you wish to Play this game with me, you can check it out on the following link.



By DMNagel on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 03:48

It is as you say, and perhaps you will have better luck using a laptop or computer. However, it can all be done using your phone, should you have no other options.