seeking suggestion how to use search fungtion in music app for mac OS

By nohansa nuh, 26 May, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hy guys, how to use search fungtion in music app for macOS to search A particuler song?
thanks and advance.



By Manuel on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

To use the search function, navigate to the sidebar, interact with it and then press VO-FN-Left arrow (I don't know the exact shortcut for mac desktops, I've only had MacBooks so far) in order to jump to the first element of the sidebar. VoiceOver should now tell you that you are on the search field. Now, you can start typing your keyword(s). When you're ready, press the return key. Now you can stop the interaction with the sidebar (if it didn't happen automatically) and interact with the collection at the end of the screen (VoiceOver will only say collection). Interact with it and select one of the sections (e.g. top results, artists, songs, ...). Interact with one of those sections and select your result with VO-Space. If you want to directly play a song of the results, you can interact with the song's name and select the play toggle. Press VO-space on it and the music should start playing. Unfortunately, the navigation is a bit messed up because Apple is using Jet technology in order to present native AppKit content of given web content. This mostly results in many (often unnecessary) interactions, but it's definitely better than the old WebKit view.

By Siobhan on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

Try using Command F, I haven't searched for music, but it works in other things like the Mac app store. Otherwise, try the first suggestion which i hope they make a little easier. Plus, not a fan ofthe collection stuff they now use. Hope it does work for you.

By Kevin Shaw on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

you may need to press Command-F twice. VoiceOver will say "Focus set to search field' or something like that. I find that Command-F doesn't work the first time. You may also need to press VO-space on the search field so you can type.

And these collection views are terrible.

By Bruce Harrell on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

A potentially faster method is simply to ask SIRI "search music for X".

By Bruce Harrell on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

I just tried my own suggestion. It took me to the iTunes store. I suppose you can simply say "play (name of artist or name of song or name of album)". This works.

By nohansa nuh on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

thanks for the reply. I will try first.

By nohansa nuh on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

btw, went I interact with song list in the search result, and I VO space, IT take mi to album first, even I use A song in the list.

By nohansa nuh on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 08:57

regarding search fungtion in the music app, i'v try it but, went I use A song section, and I try to play the song that I want, it take mi to album first, and I search that song manually using that track group