Alternative ways to read Bookshare books offline?

By musiccarsfan, 17 May, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Good afternoon community,

I hope you are well. I am trying to read Bookshare books offline. Book reader is good for shorter documents, but it jumps around. Books also only shows the names of chapters rather than the text itself of the chapter. I used to be able to use books in previous MacOS versions, and I am now regretting being up-to-date with Mac OS. Are there any alternative ways/apps to read Bookshare books offline, or is web reader my absolute only option now?

Thank you so much for your help!!!!




By Mabbs92 on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

If VoiceDream reader is on the mac, I'd highly recommend it. On IOS at least it's great for reading bookshare books and navigating through chapters, searching for keywords, etc.

By Labsii on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

On iOS you have several apps that do this and they are all linked from their web site. Some of them exist on the Mac too. All of those app should be able to work offline for the books that you have started to read.

My app Speech Central is one of them. If you want to test how it works before purchasing you can try the iOS version as it has the same features. Just on iOS it is completely free when used with VoiceOver.

By musiccarsfan on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Thanks so much for your helpful advice and tips. I am now back up and reading just like the "good old days" and I am very grateful. I figured it would be important to read offline in grad school.

I wound up using voice dream reader. It is so intuitive, and I can use the "princess" voice which I love.

Best regards,


By Labsii on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

While you are completely free to choose and you do not need to provide any feedback to anyone regarding that it would be helpful for me to understand better your decision to improve my app further.

My first question is to check whether I have correctly understood that you have picked their Mac app?

If that is the case I have one more question. That app is paid per month on the Mac and two months of usage cost more than lifetime usage of my app. As the price of my app makes it at least somewhat attractive what would you suggest for me to change so that you would consider using it?