Taking screenshots on mac

By Tristo, 8 May, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Does anyone know what the easiest way to take a screenshot of say a website is on a mac?



By Tyler on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:37

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

To capture the entire screen, press Command-Shift-3. Pressing Command-Shift-4 will allow you to select a portion of the screen, but I'm not sure if this is possible with VoiceOver.

By Tristo on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:37

Okay thanks

By Ekaj on Thursday, August 11, 2022 - 07:37

Hi all. This is great info to have and it worked like a charm several years ago when I needed to take a screenshot of the AFB website prior to the overhaul. I now find myself faced with a similar issue, but it seems more functionality was added to the screenshot capability on Mac OS. I am currently enrolled in a free course from Open University. I'm logging on through http://www.openlearn.com , and for some reason the process is very temperamental with VoiceOver. I've been trying to trouble-shoot this both with Apple accessibility and an OpenLearn adviser. I attempted to take a screenshot of the login page this morning, but it's not as straightforward as it used to be. There are now some unlabeled buttons when the Screenshot dialog comes up, and there's also a button labeled "Sketch" and I think a "draw screen" button or something. I'm using an M1 MacBook Air running all latest publicly-available updates. Tia for anyone's assistance with this.

By Ekaj on Sunday, September 11, 2022 - 07:37

Hi everyone. Earlier today during some free time, I decided to log back into my OpenLearn course. It still didn't work correctly, but I discovered a group of website settings which I must have overlooked. So I activated most of them and the problem seems to be resolved even when I re-started my Mac. So it looks like I'm able to continue with my studies.

By Bruce Harrell on Sunday, September 11, 2022 - 07:37

command shift 5 offers additional options for screen shots, plus, you can always email the web page to yourself via the share button, either as a link back to the web page, or a copy of the web page itself.

Good luck,
