Syncing ringtones under MacOS Monterey

By KE8UPE, 20 April, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

I just obtained my Ham Radio technician license last week.
I downloaded an app called Morse-it, which allows you to learn and practice Morse code.
One of its features is that you can export the Morse code sound file as M4r, meaning you can use it as a ringtone.
I did this, and cannot get the ringtones I made, to sync to my phone.
Can anyone tell me how to do this under macOS Monterey?



By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:44

Good luck
Or, if you don't just need to transfer the file and you do need to sync, then be sure your Mac and phone are signed into the same apple id, be sure that the file is saved in a location on your icloud drive that's shared by Mac and phone, and that both devices have icloud syncing turned on.

By KE8UPE on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:44

My Mac is signed into the same Apple ID as my phone.
If I copy the file, which is currently in my downloads, where do I go, in Finder, to paste it?