Favorite Audio or text-based game

By Lydia Alverson, 2 February, 2022

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hi there, folks. I normally don't post on here too much, but I'm just curious. I've been having way too much fun playing audio games lately, that it got me thinking. If you had a favorite game, audio or text-based, what would it be and why?



By DMNagel on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

Mine is BC4000. I like sandbox games.

By Michael Feir on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

My absolute favourite text game still remains Six Ages Ride Like the Wind. There's so much replayability and depth to that game that it staggers the mind. I've never found anything else which blends so much chance with so much story and still makes your choices meaningful. The next game in the series is pretty far along in development and I'll grab it as soon as I can. My thanks to the person who gave the nod to Nocked. I'm always up for a good crack at Robin Hood and this sounds quite promising.
I wish there were more deep audio games. I've enjoyed Sonar Islands but dearly miss Papa Sangre II. I never finished that one and it's unavailable now. Good audio games aren't easy to make and I expect to wait a good long while before anything approaching the caliber of what we've lost to app store economics appears again. I'd love to play an audio sidescroller or a well implemented space empires style game. More arcade games like a version of Pac Man would be great. There were a couple of good efforts at that on the PC. Also, a really solid audio pinball game which went farther than the excellent proof of concept done by Blindfold Games. I wish more complex elements found in modern pinball tables could have been added to that. Sadly, I can envision how such games might work but have no skill to implement them.

By Lydia Alverson on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

I just started playing swordy quest a couple days ago, and I haven't really been able to put it down. It kind of reminds me of Minecraft. I sometimes find myself yelling at the enemies during battle scenes. As I write, ahem, I mean type this, I'm at the quest where I need to find the snow queen.

By Blue on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

I know you said only one or two, but I cannot decide between these five, here you go. A blind legend, Circus masters revenge, Dungeons and such, and Swordy quest! All five of these games are great because of their accessibility

By SmoothJazzyTrumpet on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

I love Sonar Islands. The sounds are realistic. Also, I love the vinyl record island.

By Laura on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

I really like Untold because of all the resources you can manage and how much your decisions impact the game.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

My favorite game is Chinese in duolingo.

By DMNagel on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

Have you ever played the vampire regent? It's just as awesome.

By Lydia Alverson on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

Untold? Hmmm, never heard of that one before. I've gotten into choose your own adventure stories since I read a Give Yourself Goosebumps story when I was a kid.

By Panais on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

I have played all the games mentioned in the comments above and BC 4000 is the best by far in my humble opinion.
Replayability, strategic thinking, resource management, long-term planning and perfect accessibility. You name it, this game has it and it’s free for the taking besides. It has also a multiplayer mode for god sake, all be it by using the same device at the moment. Honestly I was looking for a long long time to find a game like this one. The only drawback is that it’s quite complex and thus you must invest some time to get the hang of it if you haven’t played a game like this before. In fact it might be too complex for some people. Nevertheless the choices you have are virtually unlimited with this game. Loads of maps, huge variety of units, hot seat multiplayer and so many other things. The best thing however is that the developer is constantly working on the game and despite the fact that it is a side project of his, the game is getting better and better day by day.
I can’t recommend this game highly enough. The only games I can compare this game with our Rome total war, civilization and other great mainstream games like those I used to play before I got blind as a Cave spider. Thing is that BC 4000 wasn’t developed for the blind, it was made accessible in the process because the developer is awesome. Thus it has got the complexity that games made specifically for blind gamers are seriously lacking. We are blind not dumb after all, or so I like to tell myself :) so this game is a very refreshing addition to the Applevis games list. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate all the effort and good will that developers who make games specifically for the blind are putting. I just think that they don’t utilize all the tools put at their disposal and that they don’t really understand their audience.
Anyway I got carried on with this post and I got to rambling. Just try the game that’s my point.

By DMNagel on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

Not only is BC4000 The most complex and accessible strategy game out there, but in my opinion, it's also the sandbox of the century. I mean, who doesn't like to create their own worlds? Who doesn't like to play as over 50 nations, or create their own cities on a map editor? Who doesn't like to set technologies for individual nations and create their own history and fantasy battle scenarios? Like Panais said, The only thing that may be a little off putting is the sheer complexity of it all. Otherwise, this is a dream on steroids.

By daz on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 02:49

`it's played in a browser http:textspaced.com it's probably the closest thing to eve online we're going to get short of eve itself becoming accessible.
from the front page:
TextSpaced is a text-based sci-fi MMO designed to be playable by both sighted and non-sighted people alike. TextSpaced blends the style of more traditional text adventures with modern principles to create a text-based MMO set in a shared, hostile and infinite universe.
i can definitely tell you that the developer of this game takes accessibility very seriously. i'll tell you what, i'll post the getting started guide here just to give people a glimps of this game. actually i've found something else to post.

What Is TextSpaced?
Updated: September 2021

TextSpaced is a text-based sci-fi MMORPG played in your browser. It has been designed from the start to be enjoyed by blind and sighted people alike (and everyone in between). It is set in an infinite one-dimensional universe (imagine an infinite ribbon) with original art, high-quality music and, mechanics built around the mantra of "tactical, not technical". TextSpaced blends the style of more traditional text adventures with modern principles to create a game where everyone coexists in the same expansive universe, which is steeped in lore and intrigue. The entire universe is organic where everything is connected to everything else, every decision you make has a cascade of repercussions for you and your faction. The sandbox nature of the game leaves you, the player, the freedom to decide at any point what to do next.
With a unique 16 factor personality system, you can unlock hundreds of skills to personalise your character with new ones being added all the time so that every player can walk a path different to everyone else. The narrative and story of TextSpaced unfold seamlessly, so you can choose to uncover the mysterious past of Old Earth, affiliate and forge relationships meeting both real and non-player characters - or simply pirate yourself to fame and fortune. With hundreds of different ways to make a living and even the mechanics to make new things nobody has seen before, every player's experience is different and personal. Your actions influence your factors, simply continue doing what you enjoy to unlock new career paths helping your faction gain more control over the universe.
Over 50% of people that play TextSpaced are blind or partially sighted.
TextSpaced is heavily faction focused encouraging players to work together for common goals but this doesn't preclude lone factions of pirates, traders or even bounty hunters from disrupting the universe. The sandbox nature means players can pursue what interests them, whether this is pushing back the veil of the frontier, trying to craft the finest weapons the universe has seen or even moving stars themselves to create new solar systems of their design. Factions can also build and nurture colonies where new players that start the game can be born from, starting the game directly within your faction.
Unlike traditional MUDs or MOOs which TextSpaced bears a resemblance to, the primary interface is via menu options and windows. Text is used to describe the universe and everything in it, however supporting art is often presented for things like ships and characters. This means it is always clear which options you have available and perfectly suited for screen readers.
416 players are in-game
The universe is filled with systems to discover which are realistically generated with a range of over 70 different body types; from common types like dust planets and stars to more exotic types such as black holes and gravity wells. The bodies also contain commodities to mine suitable for their type and can affect combat if fought around.
Trading is also a main pillar of TextSpaced and every item can be traded, including items produced at various fabrication steps with fabrication being performed by players using factories. Most cargo can also be used in crafting and TextSpaced has a multitude of crafting mechanics and ways a faction and player can customise what they own. This ranges from installing rooms in structures and ships and hiring a crew to more left-field ventures such as crafting ships, turning planets to metal or keeping bird companions. In total there are tens of thousands of different parts to use for crafting equipment and weapons as well as over 100 different structures to build ranging from buoys to Dyson Swarms and over 300 ships to purchase or craft ranging from a humble Shuttle to Destroyer.
The universe can be a hostile place because of other players and NPCs alike, either way, you will ever need to remain incognito or arm yourself for combat. Combat itself is a card-based system that focuses on tactics and timing where each player gets one minute before a round to prepare, making it ideal for screen readers.
Free To Play
TextSpaced always has and always will be free to play. We want players to know that when a Flagship turns up, the owner has spent time and has skill to get to that point. Instead, we allow players to support us via Patreon, which helps us run the servers and keep the development of TextSpaced rolling. We have been grateful that the support from players of the previous version of our game and currently has provided us with enough funds to keep TextSpaced alive for several decades.
TextSpaced started life as a single player command-line game, then transitioned to Facebook Messenger game as a 4v4 team based game before becoming the first MMO within Facebook Messenger.

By kimberly miller on Sunday, March 13, 2022 - 02:49

i'm new to text spaced and i was wondering if i can get some help??

By Anthony on Sunday, March 13, 2022 - 02:49

Hello here is a text based game that is very interesting and I am addicted to it it’s called TORN city if you’re interested in making a account when it says who referred you to put my user name and his wolf tank22 some of the actions are things you have to do run off of real world time

By Anthony on Sunday, March 13, 2022 - 02:49

Hello here is a text based game that is very interesting and I am addicted to it it’s called TORN city if you’re interested in making a account when it says who referred you to put my user name and his wolf tank22 some of the actions are things you have to do run off of real world time

By Blackadder on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - 02:49

For PC I’m really really really addicted to hearthstone. There’s so much replay ability there. For iOS my best games are in no particular order serania Great story and great atmosphere. Path of adventure Great RPG. Home quest very nice strategy game. Planet life lots of fun great humor lots of great different small games in it.

By ming on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - 02:49

something I am really looking forward is:
To the Dragon Cave

By ming on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - 02:49

I like audiowizard

By Panais on Friday, May 13, 2022 - 02:49

What do you mean hearthstone? Is hearthstone accessible for windows? Make my day bro.

By Blackadder on Friday, May 13, 2022 - 02:49

Yes definitely off-topic but I brought it up because it’s a great great game with lots of replayability. It’s the only thing I have been playing for the last six months. And many people don’t know about it

By fred4816 on Monday, June 13, 2022 - 02:49

Hi all

When I was younger there was an online game called hitmenrpg and I absolutely loved it. Unfortunately it went offline in 2012 and I spent the next 9 years trying to look for it anywhere I could, I even contacted the creator and asked if I could buy it from it so that I could play it but to no avail. In the end I decided to make it myself as that's the only way I would ever get to enjoy it again. I've finally finished it (last week) and it's live, the problem is that it needs players in order to be the amazing game that I used to play all those years ago.

If anyone fancies checking it out, you can find it at https://www.assassinrpg.com, it's a text-based game and honestly when you get into it, it's absolutely brilliant. Give it a go and we can all enjoy this amazing game!

By DrummerGuy on Monday, June 13, 2022 - 02:49

They are not in specific order but this is the list my favorite games:
Grim Tides, Grim Quest, Swordy Quest, DDHeroes, Sonar Island and Blind Drive.
I would add busy 4000 but I am having trouble understanding it yet.

By DMNagel on Monday, June 13, 2022 - 02:49

Your game seems to be awesome. I'm checking it out right now. Will also try to spread the word.

By Saqib on Monday, June 13, 2022 - 02:49

I love playing Soccer Tycoon. The aim of the game is to take over a club in the English National League which is the 5th Division of the English League system and your job is to built the club by recruiting a highly skilled lower league manager and players and work your way up the leagues.