So I've been researching ways to move by page on MacBook, and one of Apple's official documents mentioned that to move by page either use option arrow keys or the spacebar,. I fgather that the spacebar is only used when the setting called use keyboard navigation to control my Mac is checked; the setting that VoiceOver users aren't able to use. Is there some way to enable page scrolling by the option arrow keys? I tried it on my iPad's keyboard and i
Sorry but your post seems to be cut at the very end. Is your question how to navigate through Pages with capital P, i.e. the iWork app?
My apologies
I was having some typing issues.
I’m trying to find the equivalent of page up/down on MacBook Pro. I’m using a 13-inch with no page up/down keys. Apple recommends using option and the arrow keys, but those don’t seem to work for me.
Nothing worked
Since I got my MacBook Air M1 last year, I've been struggling exactly in this area. It seems that there is no option to scroll by page, neither in Safari on big web pages nor in big folder lists with more than 10,000 files in Finder.
This is definitely possible
In your VoiceOver Utility>commander move to keyboard and add new command, assign a hotkey that has to be pressed with the Option key, for me I have the D key for moving/scrolling/going one page down, and U for scrolling/moving/going up one page.
Apparently you have to see what works for you; scrolling or going or moving, in combination with up, down, right, left. The three options are available and you need to try them all to see what is the best choice for you. I found that 'going' up and down works great in Pages, but not in Finder, what works well in Finder to move between large amount of files and folders is scrolling up and down.
It is worth experimenting anyways.
Hope this helps!