Does anyone know how to make an email full screen in the native mail app on iOS with VoiceOver

By Ipadman, 11 April, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Occasionally I need to send screenshots of emails that I received, but I don’t want to capture all my emails, just the one that I am on, there is a way to make emails fullscreen on an iPad but I can’t find a way to do it with VoiceOver.



By Yvonnezed on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:50

I think, either double tap and hold or triple tap on the email and choose "open in new window". You should then get a full-screen email with a done button in the left corner to close it.

By Earle on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:50

If you choose the option to open the email in a new window it will open in full screen. I do this quite often when I need to take a screenshot of an email.