Use Hedding and other styles inside mac Native mail

By Ramy, 5 April, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello all:
Inside the mac native mail application, i know how to change fonts, italic, bold etc, but can not find Heddings at all,
i searched but with no luck,
any ideas on how to add Hedding style to my email in order to produce more professional emails for my custoers?



By Bruce Harrell on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39


Have you tried copying and pasting a professionally formatted document directly into your email message? Or attaching it if pasting doesn't work? Btw, I believe there are two kinds of copying a pasting. One of them doesn't transfer formatting; the other does.

Good luck!


By Ramy on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

SO, you mean that i can create my document outside the app, like on text edit, then, paste it to my mail app?
So, i think that Making heddings is available inside the app itself.

By Bruce Harrell on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

Hi again,

I looked over the options in the format pulldown on the menu bar in apple mail, and found several possibilities therethaty might work for you I suggest you try them in an email and send it to a sighted friend to see if they say you succeeded.

And yes, when I practiced law, I created custom formatted documents in the apple Pages app, copied them, and pasted them into the message field in an apple email. No one complained, but you can give it a try and have a sighted friend give you feedback here, too. Just be aware there may be a separate, different copy and paste command for copying and pasting the style or template and format or whatever it's called along with the text.

Good luck!


By Ramy on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

Ok, will try that out
Concerning my signature, i found In some emails, VOice over told me that "signature dedected", do not know if it has a spasific frame, or what, but need to be like this in the mail native app,
is there any advice when creating a signature? i did it, but voiceover does not tell me that this is a signature.
thanks in advance