Jay – Tweet from your Watch

Description of App

View your timeline, like, retweet & comment tweets, search, view and follow Twitter user profiles.
And of course – tweet – right from your Apple Watch!

Want to see a tweet on a bigger screen? Just bookmark it on your Apple Watch and read it later in the Jay app on your iPhone.
Open tweets, profiles and hashtags using your favorite Twitter app: Twitter, Tweetbot or Twitterrific.

Jay also supports Twitter videos, gifs & zooming on pictures using the Digital Crown.

Just sign-in on your iPhone and you're ready to go!

More features coming soon!



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

watchOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Very accessible and easy to use!


Fully Accessible

Other Comments

For being a completely free Twitter on your wrist is an absolutely must have. No limitations what so ever but I highly recommend tipping the developer for making this so very accessible for us to use.

Contains some nifty features like being able to Bookmark Tweets so that you can review and look on the iPhone itself. The load time is quick and responsive. Make sure to firmly press down with one finger to get the pop up with more options to Tweet etc.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by AnonyMouse 5 years 10 months ago

