Tutorial on clean re-install of OS X?

By Stan G, 29 May, 2013

macOS and Mac Apps
Greetings: I just "inherited" my daughter's old Mac Book Pro after having it repaired. It is running OS X 10.6.8. She has a lot of her college data and software on it, much of which is inaccessible. I'd like to bak it up and then update the OS on a clean disk so I can simplify the Mac environment while i learn how to use it. A friend said there is a tutorial on how to update the OS X version and install it on the Mac with a clean install and of course, using VoiceOver. Unfortunately he doesn't remember where this tutorial is located. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.



By Khalfan Bin Dhaher on Sunday, May 26, 2013 - 14:57

Hello. Sure, there is an old tutorial posted by Mikorigo few years ago on http://www.blindcooltech.com. It is very helpful. You also can create a time machine backup by going to menu extras, hit the VO keys the option and control+ the letter M twice to open time machine. More resources are in the way
As far as I've been made aware BCT doesn't fully exist any more but I shall def take a look to see if it's still around myself; why didn't I take more note of it before?
It seems possible to get the Blind Cool tech podcasts, but the Snow Leopard install podcast is from 2009! The one my friend heard and liked was for Mountain Lion and it was from "Daniel's Podcast DPC", but although I can subscribe to that podcast on my iPhone using Downcast, I cannot locate any past podcasts to download and audition. I have found some regular websites with instructions for doing a clean install of Mountain Lion from a flash drive, but of course they are not geared to blind users employing VoiceOver. Other ideas or suggestions are still welcome. Thanks.