Seeking Suggested Changes to Circus Master's Revenge - Chapter 3

By Apple iPhone i…, 8 March, 2022

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

In the lead up to the release of Chapter 3 of Circus Master’s Revenge, I interviewed the game developer about the development and future of CMR. He is putting the final touches on the new release. He asked me what I would like to see in the next version of CMR. I gave him my thoughts, but I thought it would be even better to crowd source a list of suggested improvements.
Add your suggestions in the comments below!
Let me know what improvements you would like to see for the next Chapter of Circus Master’s Revenge and I will pass it directly to the game developer. Be sure to respond soon so that your suggestion has a chance to make it into Chapter 3.

You can find the interview with Joe Quirk at the Apple iPhone iOS Voiceover Compatible Games (AIIVCG) Facebook Group. AIIVCG provides weekly long-form reviews of accessible iPhone games. Currently, there are over 70 accessible game reviews across a wide variety of genres. In addition, AIIVCG conducts interviews with game developers about their efforts to create accessible iPhone games. If you are interested in this type of accessible game content, please join AIIVCG at:



By Joseppie on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

Hello everyone. It has been a while since I've done a apple this form comment but, I believe it's necessary. I have given permission to Aaron to accept feedback from all of you on what could be enhanced or made better for chapters 1 and two. The keyboard is the biggest one and that is already being fixed. We will be doing an update before we launch chapter 3. This will fix some issues that we have been working on for the last couple of months. Obviously I will not be changing the price for in game purchases. No increase or decrease. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Looking forward to your feedback. Please don't give Aaron or each other a hard time so this can go as smooth then quickly as possible. The smoother just goes, the faster we can implement them into CMR by the time we launch chapter 3 very soon. I'm shooting for the end of June. I can't make any promises because of the stupid virus but, that is my target date. Game on my friends.

By David Standen on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

I would like the aiming mechanics to be improved in quack shot. In my experience, trying to achieve a perfect aim in this game, compared to the main game, was impossible. because I found I had to hold my iPhone almost to the ground..

By Christel john on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

When I tried to login using Facebook it says App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.

By MaranatĂ  on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

Good morning. So, the thing that absolutely must be changed is the way to aim at the clowns, instead of having to turn the phone you need to be able to
turn with your fingers, perhaps by scrolling or with the movement of the rotor as in other games.

By Mitchell on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

I think you should add more weapons to quack shot like maybe the AK 47 would be cool if you just want to shoot a bunch of ducks, also, it would be cool if for logins, you were able to use braille screen input.

By ming on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

I would like to have the online PVP or something like it

By Joseppie on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

Maybe I wasn't or Aaron wasn't specific enough about the changes. We were talking about minor changes to quicken or enhance gameplay. The Facebook login will be fixed once we launch chapter 3. Facebook used to work. I used to login with Facebook. Same thing happened when Apple did the update and Facebook recognized CMR as an under development status. It will not recognize CMR until development status is complete. In the meantime, please use your Apple ID email and password. My good buddy Ming. Glad you're still around. I do not have the funds to cross platform CMR to CPU. I will not be able to add a PVP. It will be too expensive and take too long. I have added some new things to chapter 3 I think you will enjoy. As far as making and adding an endless mode. That is what quack shot was for. I will not be able to do the same things as Audio defense. A brail display? I'm sure it's possible but, it's not going to be needed. If you know Briel, you also know the alphabet and a keyboard layout. Those were the first things I learned add a blind center in Chicago. Adding more weapons to quack shot is coming but, only one. You will have to purchase it also. We are not going to be able to have the same gameplay function as some of the audio defense because we're not using that engine. Anyways, thank you all for your patience. I just hope I have not let you down. I knew I wasn't going to be able to make a game as good or better than Audio defence. I would just try to get as close as possible with what I had. I still think it's pretty cool. hope you do too. I didn't realize our imaginations can outcompete what code writers and algorithm developers can achieve. Hopefully someday we'll get there. In the meantime, we will have fun.

By Joseppie on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

I remember when I started the forum post, bringing back a game like audio defence. I promised everyone as a new developer, I will be honest and transparent. So, here it goes. The contract company I hired to develop CMR has decided not to have a video game department anymore. Indusnet technologies is purging all of their software gaming riders. I was promised that they would finish chapter 3 for CMR before ending and laying off my team. My deadline was June but, they are forced to rush their own deadline of late April. So the good news is CMR3 will be out earlier than I thought. The bad news is, the quality might not be what I had planned. Due to a rushed effort, it might be screwy. I have faith they will do a good job but, I know how quality is when you rush A project. Even more bad news. If things are screwy and there are bugs, I will not have a way to fix them right away. I will be looking for and gathering a new team. It might take me a few months or longer but, I will get it done. I have been working on chapter 4 for the last year I hope that's the time I finish drawing out and scripting chapter 4, I will have put together a new team. Cross your fingers and hope the best for mental vision. I don't want what happened to Audio defence to happen to circus master revenge. God bless and keep us in your prayers.

By Joseppie on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13

A few things that will be fixed before chapter 3 launch.
Number one. Davey will countdown so the customer knows how long they have until they can go again.
The Facebook login must be fixed but, I understand if Facebook will not work until CMR is not in development status.
Number three. The keyboard needs to be fixed for login because the scrolling one is too complicated.
Number four. This game is supposed to be accessible for blind individuals so, the pay portion of this app shouldn't require a cited individual. If the individual has a credit card file on their iPhone or an iTunes card on the iPhone then, it should be voiceover friendly for that portion.
When you click on the CMR app on your phone and it's uploading, it tells you that the rotor could be used for a direct touch but, if you roll your fingers to the left or right for the rotor, nothing happens. This needs to be taken off because it's annoying.
Number five. This might be difficult because I don't know if you're able to do this but, there have been a lot of complaints about the voice over from Microsoft. They would like to either choose a voice from an options bank. or change the one that's there.
I don't think these five things are too difficult to manage. If they are not able to be done, let me know so I can prepare for the wishes complaints coming my way.
Very Respectfully,


By Cornettoking on Friday, March 25, 2022 - 12:13


Oh, chapter 3 of this thing will be released. I actually tried my best to forget this game until I saw this post because it was kind of bad.
And now chapter 3 will be rushed..., yeah.
I hope chapter 3 won't have the dreadful IPhone recordings (don't deny it, the main characters voice lines were recorded on an IPhone and not even edited properly because you could hear the tap slightly), but not very hopeful this will change.
Then I hope quack shot will be available without requiring you to pay for IAPs.

By Joseppie on Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 12:13

I apologize. Everything got so messed up. I did try my best. I did make it finally happen. I did more work than I thought I was capable of. I researched and educated myself so I could try to work on stuff without having to depend on others. I may have failed you with chapter 3s promised release. Or if you don’t like chapter 3, that much. At least I didn’t quit when I really really wanted to. Facebook has screwed us over for the log in because they don’t use humans anymore for app reviews. We only used them for their SDK login tool. So, we’re taking it out and throwing it away in the garbage where that company belongs. I will never use Facebooks tool BS AI robots for apps anymore. Sorry it took so long. Murphy’s Law was in full effect as soon as the virus Came to the planet… never mind, We are going to scrap that sadness move onto the next project. Mental Vision is back! I just hope you’re feelings or trust towards Mental Vision games and myself has not been destroyed because of unforeseen circumstances. I’ll never fail you again if I have anything to do with it. I hope you believe me because it’s from my heart. The ones that believed in my drive,, thank you for sticking around when you didn’t have to.
I hope we get more developers for our community soon. It’s time for us to ring that loud handy capable bell again. We are blind but we are united and hungry for equally good entertainment. So you should include us in all of it!!!

By Justin Harris on Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 12:13

My biggest problem with CMR is having to actually turn myself or turn the device. I would much prefer to have a way to turn in the game using the touch screen. If that could be fixed, it would make for much better game play.

By Jonathan Candler on Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 12:13

Please, please for the love of god, fix the laggy menus issue. At least change that god offal voice it's using and make it output to screen reader or system voice. Oh and BTW, I don't have time to having to wait for this so called loading message every, single, time, I wanna do anything in the game. I've said this before and I'll say it again, vary poor design. I was hoping for some changes to be made when this update came out but guess that hasn't happened yet. and it's been what... 4 years? I know I know, Covid and all that but still. Fix these things and I'll be a happy person and maybe try this thing again. Wasn't all that impressed when I tried out this latest update.

By Magic Retina on Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 12:13

I didn't realize this game was still around! Definitely going to be giving it another look.

By Rydia on Monday, March 4, 2024 - 12:13

i don’t know if this is a bug but I can’t do the stage eight