I am switching to mac. any suggestions?

By Pax, 18 March, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

knowing my parents, I will be dumped into it without any other computer access, my computer will be sold, and no return, like it was with my phone.
I needed to use my comp to get info how the Device works, so, who will help with this?
I had luckily experience with mac, in my school, so it wont be that bad like with Iphone.



By Maldalain on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

Well, the question should be directed to you: Why are you switching to Mac?
Some more details about your workflow might help to answer your question.

By Pax on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

python and vs code and some MUD’s and audio games

By Just Another B… on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

There are plenty of guides, tutorials, and podcasts here. Take some time to look at them and as the first commenter said, try to have some specific questions or issues. Nobody is going to take the time to write everything out. There is a lot of material already on this site that is applicable and current.

By Harryubu on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

I have recently set up an M1 Mac mini and also migrated that to a new M1 MacBook Pro. I am far from being knowledgeable about the Mac. I would never have managed either task without sighted help because VoiceOver kept leaving me stranded, not knowing what was going on. Often VoiceOver focus would land in a text edit field as it turned out but I was baffled as no context was announced. When setting up the m1 Mac mini, the very first screen was utterly silent with two images alternating - I eventually rang Apple who revealed that the images were demands that I connect a keyboard and also a mouse. Why didn’t VoiceOver declare that? Apple stayed on the call for 1.5 hours to set it up as a new device and they agreed that the process is not yet easy with VoiceOver

By gailisaiah on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

Right on the first page of this site, there's a section that says getting started with your first Mac, iPhone, etc. That would be my first place to start.

By Pax on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

I heared how to setup it, there is a podcast(Polish only)
but I understand Polish, so, I know enough about macs.
but, I really want to know how vs code works in there.

By Earth on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:39

I used 3 Macs, windows, iPad, Apple TV, iPhones and apple watch all of the devices I set them up all on my own without any sighted help. I use VoiceOver to set them up and have no problem here. I was able to manage all on my own right out from the box.