Dropbox status and options

By wheelysneakycat, 13 March, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi, I've only recently started using Monterey and installed dropbox on it. I was able to install and set up dropbox fine and it seems to be working but I've just noticed that, unlike on older versions of macOS, there doesn't seem to be any sort of status information in the menu bar - at least nothing is being read by VoiceOver. Previously, when I pressed VO m twice to go into the "menu extras" there would be a dropbox item which would state whether it was up to date or sinking or whatever and if I pressed on that I could get into a menu where there was further information and options. Now there is a dropbox item in the "menu extras " but it doesn't say anything other than "dropbox ". If I press it the dropbox folder in Finder opens.

So I wonder where we go to find out the status information. Googling, it seems that we are supposed to press on the dropbox in the menu bar but for me this isn't working.

Is anyone else using dropbox with Monterey and are you able to find status information and other options?



By Johann on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 06:21

This issue drove me crazy and I just switched to Maestral for Dropbox on my Mac.

By Johann on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 06:21

Maestral has a GUI if you don't know.

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 06:21

I'm using mac monterey and haven't ran into this problem. Its the first I hear of it, odd.