Screen Recording That Includes VoiceOver Sound

By Jim Homme, 8 August, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

I'm looking for a way to record video and VoiceOver sound, even if it is low tech. Even if I put my phone in front of a computer and record with the computer, that might work. Any ideas?




By Justin Philips on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 07:39

I believe IOS 13 will support that request on your phone itself.

By René Jaun on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 07:39

For my Screen Recordings, I plug a small speaker (I think mine is from JBL) into my iPhone 7. To do that, I need the lightning to 3.5mm headphone adaptor that came with the phone. Then I connect the adaptor and the speaker using an 3.5mm cable.
For the actual recording, I use the function which has been part of IOS since version 11. One does have to make sure the Microfone Recording switch is on of course.
Using this setup, I talk into my phone to comment, and whenever I want my audience to clearly hear what VoiceOver says, I hold the phone towards the speaker.

By Igna Triay on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 07:39

I plug my iPhone 7 into my mac, and record it with quicktime player. Hope this helps. I also have audio highjack and reflector 3 if I want to record my iphone in another way, such as via airplay.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 07:39

I use my ipad. I turn on the microphone, turn the volume up a little louder & that's it. I've done a few screen recordings for Weather Gods.
I always tell them to let me know if they couldn't hear it or whatever the case may be. just in case.

By peter on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 07:39

The best approach for recording VoiceOver output from an iPhone is to use a lightening to 1/8th inch adapter and plug it into the sound card of your computer. As others mentioned, you can also get the iPhone audio to come out of a speaker either with such an adapter or by using a bluetooth speaker.

Since I don't have a lightening to 1/8th inch adapter, however, I pair my iPhone to my Amazon Echo device via bluetooth and then connect my Echo device to my computer's audio input with a mnormal 1/8th inch cable. This is how I make clear demos of my iPhone's output.

Many ways to skin a cat!


By Alexey S on Friday, March 11, 2022 - 07:39

In new versions of iOS, it seems, starting from 14, Voiceover is recorded by default.

By Panais on Friday, March 11, 2022 - 07:39

Swipe down on your screen with one finger to open the control panel, then press record screen. On my list it’s the last item.
I don’t remember but you might also need to do something from the settings first. So if anything goes wrong search Google for how to record screen on iPhone.

By Mabbs92 on Friday, March 11, 2022 - 07:39

First, make sure that screen recording is in your control center. If not, go to your settings>control center to add it. Then, Open your control center and double tap screen recording. It will record any sound playing on your phone, including VO. If you want to be able to hear your voice or other external noises, double tap and hold on screen recording first, scroll down and toggle on the microphone. Hope this helps! Make sure your screen curtain is off and your brightness level is up when you record.