VO+H behavior in iPad Safari

By PaulMartz, 7 February, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

I use a Bluetooth keyboard with my new iPad Pro. For every app other than Safari, if I press VO+H, I jump to the home screen. Pressing VO+H twice takes me to the app switcher.

However, if Safari is the active app, VO+H takes me to the dictation button, as if Safari thinks I want to dictate a search term or URL address. And if I press VO+H twice, I hear VoiceOver announce “app switcher” just before it announces “dictate”, and again I am not in the app switcher, but on the dictate button instead.

Is anyone experiencing this? Any way to disable this behavior? Thanks.



By Greg Wocher on Sunday, February 20, 2022 - 19:42

VO plus H is working fine for me on my 11 inch iPad pro. However I am running the beta of iOS 15.4.

By Maldalain on Sunday, February 20, 2022 - 19:42

You need to wait a bit for the dictate button to disappear, it is not really on the screen but VoiceOver takes a while second or two to refresh screen refresh. Personally I disabled dictation fully. This is how I got rid of the whole issue.

By Yvonnezed on Sunday, February 20, 2022 - 19:42

I can't reproduce this, but have you tried the globe h system shortcut instead?

By PaulMartz on Sunday, February 20, 2022 - 19:42

The problem does seem to be intermittant, and since I posted it has become much less of an issue. I will try turning off dictation if the issue reoccurs.

I know very little about the Globe key. Can you point me to an article that explains this new feature? From the little I understand, the function key should operate as the Globe key, but this doesn’t seem to be the case with my Logitech K380.

By Yvonnezed on Sunday, February 20, 2022 - 19:42

Well, as for an article, I'm not sure. I learnt most of what i know from the Macstories iOS 15 review and just using it.

As for the function key, as far as I can tell that doesn't work on most Bluetooth keyboards. You'll have to remap another key to globe, probably capslock. Yes, I know, that means you can't use it for Voiceover if you do that, but in my opinion as a fulltime iPad user it's too useful not to have, particularly if you use multitasking at all.