I'm German and use German Voice-Over on my iPhone. If I switch the language to English for some apps it often switches back to German and I have to switch back to English with the rotor again. I turned on auto-langauge-switchting. It's not working great. Just in Safari if the websites tagged correctly.
I just got an M1 MacBook Air and auto-language-switching works like a charm. Even on smaller text blocks. Even on mixed texts, that are not tagged.
Is there any way to get the same great auto-switch-experience on iPhone? Maybe a newer iPhone with a better processor? Does someone have language-auto-switch experience on newer and older iPhones? My 2020 iPad Pro has the same bad auto-switch experience like my iPhone SE 2.
Best Regards,
I’ve had the same problem…
I’ve had the same problem with my iPhone 11. English is my first language and I’ve been teaching myself German, so I’ve added the German language to my rotor. Sometimes when I come across German text on a website, it reads it with the American Siri voice instead of switching to German. I don’t know why this happens.
Yeah German and English have the same letter system
I use duolingo and flashcards deluxe.
Russian is read with Russian voice, English with English, Arabic With Arabic, Chinese with Chinese.
No problem!
iphone se2020 and iPad 5.