Sharing Screen in Teams On Mac

By The Blind Saddler, 29 January, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Good evening all,

In my job as a software architect, our team at work have moved to MacBook Pros to perform our coding, testing and documentation.

On the whole I have found the migration from Windows a massively positive experience - compiling code and running tests on Mac is lightning quick compared to Windows and the whole Linux based stack combined with things like VS Code, Git, maven and Docker etc is very accessible (and I must say I don’t have half as many gripes about Terminal as people seem to have from reading this forum for a while).

However, one app that is a little problematic is the lovely Microsoft Teams (great on iPhone, not so great on Windows or Mac!)

I am getting used to it in general but one thing that is stumping me is screen sharing - we use it a lot when working remotely to demonstrate code etc, but I can’t seem to get it to work with VoiceOver.

Pressing Command + shift + E activates the Share Content pushbutton, but there then seems no way to be able to select what you want to share (screen, window etc) - or at least, VoiceOver cannot “see” the popup material my sighted friends tell me appears.

Am I Missing something (perhaps a gesture or keyboard shortcut to give focus to the selection), or is this just an accessibility glitch? I can activate the functionality bwith JAWS ut I’d rather not have to keep switching back to my old Windows PC to do this if I can help it.

Many thanks in advance for your help!



By Kevin Shaw on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:44


What I do is use the tab key after launching the share window and just hit enter to share the entire screen. This isn't fully accessible as far as I understand, but I've managed to not only share my screen but VoiceOver audio to demo builds.

Congrats on the new gig.

By The Blind Saddler on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:44

Thanks for this Kevin - I must retry this as I am sure I tried something similar without any joy. Must admit I turn off quick nav when using Teams as having quick nav turned on appears to make it more or less unusuable I actually think I must be in the minority regarding quick nav as I tend to have it turned off most of the time apart from when web browsing...