Stereo mics on IPhone twelve?

By Exodia, 19 January, 2022

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the best way to use my stereo mics on my iPhone 12. I want to make recordings where you can hear cars and other vehicles passing on either side from left to right as I sit out on my porch. I have a few things I need to know. First of all, where are the stereo mics located and which mic is associated with which ear or channel? Also, which would be the best way to hold the phone so that I can get the recordings the way that I want them. i'd like them to be at least accurate. When you hear something in your left ear, the recording will pick it up in your left ear if you know what I mean. The problem is, I do not have an earphone jack. I can't plug in the earphones and determine which mic is which and what the best way to hold it while recording would be.



By Manuel on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

To get the most out of stereo recording, you have to use the built-in Camera app and take a video. When you are in the video mode, hold your iPhone in landscape mode so that the volume buttons are in the upper right corner. Now the microphone on the camera lens is the right channel and the microphone above the Lightning port is the left channel. Now press one of the volume buttons to start recording. To stop recording, simply press one of the volume buttons again. You can then simply extract the audio from the video file and save it somewhere on your phone. Unfortunately, I have not found any recording apps yet which can record audio in stereo by using the stereo microphone in iPhone Xs, xR, or later (including the SE 2020 model).

By Saj on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

Hi there, just press record Will allow recording stereo as I have an iPhone 12 mini.

By Exodia on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

I've heard of that one, unfortunately, I need ones that do not require payment. I don't have any cash on my account. Also, I figured out where the mics are. I would like to know if there are any accessible recording apps that allow you to record from the back. For example, use the mic from the back next to the camera and the mic on the bottom of the device that you used to take telephone calls with.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

Use alon dictaphone.I really love that app. I think I misspelled that app and I don[t have my phone near me. The charge port will be left andthe ear piece will be right. you don't need headphones as you will just be able to hear it.

By Exodia on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

I just saw it. Unfortunately, I don't have cash on my account. It costs $4.00. Thanks for the idea though.

By Dominique Stansberry on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

The App you wish to use for this is Just Press Record.
Voice Memos from what I hear also works, but I love Just Press Record.
It record's in Wav and saves in iCloud Drive so you can access the files on the Mac for further editing.
I did not use them for this recording, but I did use my Sennheiser AMBEO head set to record rain outside.
Put a nice set of headphones on, make sure your sitting in a great chair, or lying down... and enjoy this 78minute recording of rain!
Note, if you wish to use this recording be my guest., just referred to it as credit if possible is all I ask... If not, so be it.
Here are two examples.
One with music, and another with the full rain clip.
I'm using it on an album I'm working on right now.
Sound's amazing.
Rain with Music sample

Full 78 Minute audio file of Rain,
Great for Meditation or relaxation.
Your standing with me outside my front door.


By Exodia on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

I have no money in my account, therefore I can't get that one. But that's a cool recording you made

By Brian Giles on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

I know it's not ideal, but you could take the long way around and record a video and convert it to an audio file. I made a Siri shortcut to do this. It shows up as an option when you share the video. It takes the audio from the video, converts it to an AAC file and saves it to iCloud drive.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

voice memos will not work for stereo recordings. It is only third party apps, apple decided not to let voice memos work with its own internal stereo mics for what ever reason. Only if you have an external stereo mic plugged in will it work but not with internal.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

Also just press record is good, but it sucks in that you can't hear voiceover during the recording which means if you minimize the app you can't really stop the app from recording, or navigate your phone etc.

By tunmi13 on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

The iPhone 12 has three microphones. The one on the bottom near the lightning port is the left channel. The right channel mic is the mic next to the earpiece or front camera on the phone.
There is also a mic on the back near the camera used for camera apps, though I don't think this is used often.
A recording app such as Ferrite Recording Studio supports stereo recording just fine. Just be sure that you are holding the phone with the charging port on your left side if you want to record from your perspective, and the charging port to your right if you want to record from an outer perspective.
Hope this helps.

By tunmi13 on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

The iPhone 12 has three microphones. The one on the bottom near the lightning port is the left channel. The right channel mic is the mic next to the earpiece or front camera on the phone.
There is also a mic on the back near the camera used for camera apps, though I don't think this is used often.
A recording app such as Ferrite Recording Studio supports stereo recording just fine. Just be sure that you are holding the phone with the charging port on your left side if you want to record from your perspective, and the charging port to your right if you want to record from an outer perspective.
Hope this helps.

By Trenton Matthews on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

This may or may not have been mentioned earlier, version 2 of Backpack Studio has supported Stereo recording for awhile now. Not free no, but it's a fantastic option.

Dolby On:

is a totally free option for recording things in stereo, though it uses their own version which may or may not sound good to your ears.

By Exodia on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:37

Dolby on is cool. I don't know how to get it to record in stereo, but I think it's kind of cool but it actually why does the stereo field for you. I looked at the mic details and everything, but I can't get it to use both of the mics. However, I do like the app for basic recording and I do like the way that it lengthens the stereo with