Third-party notes apps

By RainbowBraille, 18 January, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Well, looks like they might have fixed the crashiness of the Notes app with this newest update. Fingers crossed. (Now if only they'd fix all the notification issues and add some new ringtones while they're at it!) Despite this hopeful resolution, it's occurred to me that I might like to have a note-taking app that's more compact. I've found my way around the formatting bar in the stock app but don't use it. So, assuming there's no way to disable it, does any of you use a third-party notes app that's nice and zappy with no formatting bar? I do see there's a list of note-taking apps here but am working mandatory overtime these days and find the impressively wide array of options a little dizzying. :) I figure word-of-mouth is a good place to start.

Many thanks,



By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

Hi! Ok. I'll be upfront on 2 things. First, I have multiple note-taking apps on my Ipad. Second, I'm a cheapskate, and I don't usually like recommending apps that cost. Because I know sometimes people might not have the funds, or it's not their first choice, etc etc. However, in this case, I'm going to make an exception. I recommend the Voice Dream Writer app. If you use VD. products before, then you know how great the quality is, and accessibility and such. It's worth every bit of the $5 USD. that you'll pay for it. It's made spicifically for blind low-vision and the print disabled. It's barebones and writes in txt. format. It has the ability to support markdown which would eliminate format bars, a built-in spell checker, word finder, and more. There's a podcast on here about this app, that I highly recommend you take a look at. While I have multiple note-taking/word processor apps, voice Dream Writer is the one that I use most. I have a list of books in there, as well as a few documents that I've created since becoming a Hadley student, such as a handout detailing a list of Facebook groups for the visually impaired. I hope this helps. :-)

By Scott Davert on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I debated purchasing this app, and then got it when it was on sale. The result? It has replaced the Notes app entirely for me. As a braille display user, I'm able to reliably type with it and get past the bugs in Mail and Notes, so for me anyway, it has been money well spent.

By Yvonnezed on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

Sure, it's usually advertised as a place to move things in and out of, but the tags work fine to keep things tidy and quick search is great to find stuff. Not to mention the authors all in on accessibility.

By Ryder on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

I second Voice Dream Writer and don’t forget Pages, the free Apple word processor app.

By Matthew Whitaker on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

Hi. I use Drafts. It works great on all devices... plus with my help I was able to fix some unlabeled buttons on the Mac version of the app. Here's the link so you can check it out.

By Wenwei on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

I actually use the notes app a lot (for quick things) because you can open a quick note with a keystroke.

If I plan on recording, I'll use Noted because it's really easy to type place markers for later review, so you don't need to listen to the entire recording when you want to review lecture + written notes. Noted is great for me when I don't have a pre-planned strategy to my notetaking. But if I have an outline or expectations of structure, I'll still use Noted to place audio bookmarks and VOiceDream Writer to take formatted notes. Good luck!

By Justin Philips on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

This is another good app worth checking out.

By PinkCupcake5 on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

I and curious because I type notes both on my iPhone and PC. I’ve been using Simplenote but recently every time I typing on the PC just keeps saying editor, editor, editor, and rereading lines which makes it really annoying

By Justin Philips on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

OneNote has both Iphone and PC apps. The PC app is not that intuitive.

By RainbowBraille on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:48

Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a minute there. Life kind of exploded. :D I appreciate your feedback so much, especially because I seem to have spoken too soon about the Notes app not crashing anymore. I think I'm leaning toward Voice Dream Writer or Google Keep but have one more question. Can anyone tell me whether their preferred third-party note-taking app allowed them to import documents from the native Notes app? I'd appreciate your feedback so much!