how to use shortcuts (from the basic to the most advance)

By ming, 12 January, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

hi! all,
I am loooking for some podcast or youtube demonstration s about how to use shortcut.
any idea and where can I get it?



By Manuel on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 - 22:17

Since the release of iOS 15 last september, the Shortcuts app has become very inaccessible. For the very basic stuff, it's ok, but if you want to create more complex workflows or even small applets, the lack of accessibility bothers you.

To answer your question: Apple provides tons of support documents in different languages. A great starting point may be the "Intro to shortcuts on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch" or the "Shortcuts User Guide for iOS".

By Alexbell on Monday, April 18, 2022 - 22:17

I was using the Shortcuts application for a few things. I started using this app with iOS 12, Apple improved a lot the accessibility with the launch of iOS 13. I spent more than 6 months to work on a project for the blind community based on NFC. Apple launched iOS 14, the shortcuts app wasn’t too bad, but the interface of a shortcut was terrible knowing that menus, dialogs, and alerts were not showing as before. With iOS 15, this is now a pain! Changing an action, see what it does or even browse between actions is almost impossible. Apple removed all the headings identifying actions, clicking do anything except what you’re looking to do, dragging or moving actions is something we were talking a bout a long time ago in the past. Conclusion, this project to improve accessibility for blind & LV persons I spent a lot of time on is good for the garbage due to who? Apple who now develops inaccessible stuff and do not really care of accessibility anymore I think!

I also bought smart home stuff compliant with HomeKit, why, because I was having the possibility to control things using Shortcuts. Now that I can’t create more, this is becoming really frustrating and annoying.

Anyone already made a complaint about this situation to Apple Accessibility?